La letra no tiene desperdicio... Esto para el bastardo de Jermaine... :toma:
El disco estaba producido por L.A.Reid, Babyface y Darryl Simmons.
Esta canción fue muy polemica porque Jermaine se la presentó a su "jefe", el presidente de Arista y este le dijo que era una basura, que si se le ocurría publicar esa mierda, la gente se le echaría encima por ridiculo. Jermaine cogió el cassette con la maqueta y lo llevó a la emisora donde se iba a estrenar ese día Black or White y la dejó en el buzón en un sobre sin remitente. Los DJs pusieron BoW y despues WTBB y se lió una buena... Michael estaba bastante feliz y nervioso por el estreno del primer single de Dangerous y cuando escuchó el tema de Jermaine le dió un ataque de nervios, cogió el coche y se fue a toda leche a Encino. Katherine intentó calmarle porque llegó gritando y dicendo que quería ver a su hermano. Tuvieron una bronca monumental y MJ acabó llorando y preguntandole que porqué hacía eso. Se dice que la madre llevó a Jermaine a la sala de trofeos y discos de oro de la familia y le dijo a Jermaine, mira lo que ha hecho Michael (mostrandole todos los premios etc...), eres un envidioso, jamás serás como él...
Jermaine no pidió perdón a MJ, pero como ya le habían avisado, si quería el tema en el album tenía que cambiar la letra. Jermaine lo hizo (si no recuerdo mal, dedica el tema a la relación de Jackie con Paula Abdul). Aun así el disco fracasó y le echaron de Arista. Creo que nadie ha vuelto a ficharle.
What up yo word to the badd X 7
Been abducted
Don't know who you are
Think they love you
They don't know you
Lonely superstar
You never think about who you love
Only think about number one
You forget about where you started from
You only care about what you want
Don't care about how it's done
You only think about you your throne
Be it right or be it wrong
It ain't about your world
It ain't about the things that you do
If you don't care I don't care
Cuz you keep thinkin about you
It ain't about you takin my pie
Cuz you been takin for a long time
If you don't care I don't care
If you keep
Well I ain't thinkin bout you
What up yo word to the badd X3
Once you were made
You chnaged your shade
Was your color wrong
Could not turn back
It's a known fact
You were too far gone
You know I try to be there for you
Like a brother I care for you
It didn't matter you always play me off
You only care about what you want
And you don't care about how it's done
You only think about you and your throne
Be it right or be it wrong
Chorus X2
No no no I ain't thinkin bout you (no no)
What up yo word to the badd X3
Thinkin about that pie
You've been takin from me
From a brother
To another brother
Hard to believe
Lost and don't know it
Yet you still show it
Givin seems to be
Harder that it is to receive
The glass has gotten shady
Time to make it clearer
Clean it up and let's start
With the man in the mirror
It's sad Mr. Badd
Ain't no mistakin it
Get a grip
You're not far from breakin it
Thinkin about the time
When we used to be close
It shouldn't be a past tense
Cuz nobody knows
What the future may hold
What tomorrow might bring
It's not guaranteed that
You'll be spreadin a wing
But meanwhile
I'll continue to smile
Cuz in the back of my head
I know you're still a child
Consider you a man
Well that may never be
Unless the day comes when
You'll have to lean on me
Gone too far
Ya better turn back
I know who you are
You know where I'm at
Sad but it's true
From me to you
Pick up the phone
Don't be alone
Step off the throne
Come back home
No no no I ain't thinkin bout you (no no)
I ain't thinkin bout you
No no no
I ain't thinkin bout you (no no)
What up yo word to the badd X4
Chorus X2
Word to the badd