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[2 de Junio] 72º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos.

Prosecutors launch closing arguments in Jackson trial with fiery salvo

SANTA MARIA, United States (AFP) - Prosecutors in Michael Jackson's child sex trial launched crucial closing arguments in the trial with a fiery salvo, accusing the star of exploiting and seducing his alleged victim.

"This case is about the exploitation and abuse of a 13-year-old cancer survivor at the hands of an international celebrity," prosecutor Ron Zonen told jurors, who are due to begin considering their verdict on Friday.
Jackson would "seduce boys into his confidence, into his bedroom, into his bed," the prosecutor said.

Zonen insisted that it was not the family of Jackson's young accuser who sought out Jackson as the target of a scam, as the defense contends, but rather Jackson who sought out his alleged victim.

"Michael Jackson inserted himself into the life of (the accuser's) family, not the other way round," he said.

Zonen attacked the credibility of defense lawyer Thomas Mesereau's opening statements by launching a staunch defence of the accuser's mother, whom the defence claims made up the child sex claims in a bid to extort Jackson.

He said the woman, "to this day, has never asked for one penny from Michael Jackson, has never asked anything of him, has never desired anything from him."

"I think an opening statement is a contract," he said, charging that Mesereau had failed to prove that the woman and her family were greedy grifters, as he had pledged to do in his opening statement three months ago.

... Jackson se sentó en la corte cerca de dos horas el Viernes mientras el jurado rememoraba los cargos de abusos contra él, mientras que recibían instrucciones para la deliberación.
MJ está acusado de molestar sexualmente a un chico de 13 años que padecía cáncer en febrero y marzo del 2003, de ofrecerle alcohol para abusar, de mantenerle secuestrado a él y su familia, para contrarrestar el daño producido al emitirse el documental "Living with..." donde confesaba compartir su cama con niños.... (lo de siempre).
Bain dijo que Jackson había reprimido sus emociones durante las 14 semanas de duración del juicio.
"MJ podría haberse enfadado, pero estuvo contento sobre algunas de las informaciones que se dieron durante el juicio".
Después dice que Michael estuvo muy rígido durante el Viernes mientras escuchaba las alegaciones. El juez Rodney Mellville tomó la decisión de "aminorar" el cargo de ofrecimiento de alcohol, y las instrucciones dadas al jurado sobre este asunto será que no debe incluirse este cargo con el propósito de abusar del niño (es decir, que si admiten que fue culpable de darle alcohol al menor, se debe considerar sin el propósito de abusar del menor).
Lo más o menos nuevo. Es una resumen de lo que puso Atletilla.

  • El fiscal comenzó su argumento de cierre diciendo que Michael Jackson abusó de Gavin y de otros chicos. Que la defensa "limito completamente" el caso atacando sólo la credibilidad de Janet Arvizo.
  • "Éste caso es sobre la explotación y abuso sexual de un sobreviviente de cáncer por una celebridad internacional", dijo el fiscal Ron Zonen.
  • Zonen dijo al jurado que sus argumentos tomarían unas horas, después debe ir la defensa y después los fiscales pueden refutar lo dicho por la defensa. Los argumentos podrían terminar mañana.
  • Los fans aumentan conforme se acerca el final del juicio. Michael los ha saludado. Michael se sentó en silencio mientras el jurado recibía las instrucciones para la deliberación. "es muy difícil sentarse ahí y saber que tu vida está en la balanza" "Tiene fe en Dios y en el sistema judicial" "sabe que su destino está en manos de los jurados" dijo Raymone K. Bain (portavoz de Michael)

Zonen está atacando a Mez, diciendo que hizo promesas en sus argumentos iniciales que no ha cumplido.

Zonen ha mostrado la foto del balcón con Blanket en una pantalla.

Zonen dijo: "No puedes ver ese documental con Gavin en el hombro de MJ sin pensar 'Saca a ese chico de ahí!' "

El juez también dio instrucciones al jurado sobre el cargo de conductas anteriores (se refiere al historial que dice Sneddon que tiene Michael de molestar a varios niños); dice que si ellos (jurado) consideran probado que MJ tiene conductas anteriores, esto no significaria que sea culpable de que haya abusado de este menor.
El juez hace un inciso / pausa en esto para ver si el jurado ha prestado atención.
Y para rematarlo, hace como un chiste: Que el hecho de que él le lea a su mujer todas las noches y ella después se va a la cama, no significa que le lea para que ella se vaya a la cama....
Ea, ya tenemos otro Jay Leno!!!
Voy a por la otra, que hoy tengo trabajito..
A ver si ahora me salen.. Las latest





Última edición:
"Pienso que una declaración de apertura es un contrato," dijo que Mesereau no había podido probar que la mujer y su familia eran codiciosos, como el había prometido hacer en su declaración de apertura hace tres meses.
Jackson prosecutor's summary charges exploitation
Thu Jun 2, 2005 12:48 PM ET

By Dan Whitcomb and Alexandria Sage

SANTA MARIA, Calif. (Reuters) - Michael Jackson sexually exploited a 13-year-old cancer victim as part of a pattern of cultivating young boys for abuse, his prosecutor charged in summing up a bitter case that could end in prison for one of the world's best known entertainers.

"This case is about the exploitation and abuse of a 13-year-old cancer survivor at the hands of an international celebrity," Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen said as prosecutors began their four hours allotted to closing arguments in their case against Jackson.

Zonen focused attention on Jackson's young accuser, but also said the evidence showed Jackson has a pattern of cultivating young boys for abuse, and countered defense claims that the mother of Jackson's now 15-year-old accuser had concocted the molestation charge.

Jackson had taken the arm his mother as he walked into court, while a throng of about 100 supporters shouted "Fight Michael, Fight."

Some fans who were unable to get seats in the packed courtroom wore white to show their belief in Jackson's innocence. Others held placards with slogans such as "Poland loves you, Michel," and "Japan loves you, Michael."

Santa Barbara County prosecutors had called some 85 witnesses in trying to convince jurors that the 46-year-old pop icon used his Peter Pan persona and child-friendly Neverland Valley Ranch to lure a string of adolescent boys into a den of booze, pornography and molestation.

Defense attorneys responded by painting the boy at the center of the case as a lying puppet of his manipulative mother -- a woman they say has defrauded the government and the courts and tried to exploit her son's cancer to shake down celebrities.

The man who once crowned himself King of Pop faces more than two decades behind bars if he is convicted on all 10 counts.

Legal experts say that for much of the trial prosecutors had little chance of convicting Jackson -- but delivered a crushing blow on the final day of evidence on Friday by showing a videotape of the boy telling police that the singer masturbated him repeatedly at Neverland after nights of heavy drinking.

"The way the trial ended with that videotape I think Jackson has to know that for the first time in his life he stands the very real possibility of going to prison," said former San Francisco prosecutor Jim Hammer, who has followed the trial as a media analyst. Legal experts say Jackson's lead attorney, Tom Mesereau, will likely use his closing argument to tie the boy closely with his mother. They said her credibility was left in tatters in front of the jury by outlandish testimony, accusations of welfare fraud and statements by other witnesses that she fabricated evidence and lied under oath in a past lawsuit.


Mesereau may also want to explain why he failed to deliver on suggestions in opening remarks that Jackson would testify.

The superstar did not take the witness stand, where he would have faced a furious cross-examination about accusations of inappropriate behavior with young boys dating back more than a decade and his practice of sharing a bed with children.

Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville allowed prosecutors to present evidence of prior accusations against Jackson under a controversial California law aimed at repeat sex offenders and written in part with Jackson in mind.

Zonen, conversely, was expected to distance the boy from his mother and even use the family's troubles to turn the tables on the defense.

"Zonen needs to remind the jury that child molesters can't get access to the kids from the Brady Bunch," Hammer said, referring to the popular TV series of the late 1960s and early 1970s about an ideal American family. "In a well-adjusted family the parents say 'Hell, no, a grown man can't sleep with my kids."'

Jackson is charged with four counts of molesting the boy, then 13, at Neverland in early 2003, plying the young cancer patient with alcohol in order to abuse him and conspiring to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. Both sides were expected to conclude their arguments by Friday afternoon. Melville would then hand the case to the jury for deliberations.

Última edición:
Jackson a 'Little Upset' as Trial Winds Down

Pop singer Michael Jackson is a little upset as his California child molestation trial enters its closing arguments phase, a spokeswoman told reporters.

Wednesday afternoon, Judge Rodney Melville of Santa Barbara County Superior Court read 98 pages of instructions to the jury of eight women and four men that included detailed descriptions of the 10 charges, as Jackson sat motionless.

"He listened to the charges against him and it made him a little upset, and that's natural," said spokeswoman Raymone Bain. "Who wouldn't be nervous? It's a very difficult situation to sit in there and know that your life is in the balance."

The 46-year-old Jackson's parents, Katherine and Joe, and two of his brothers, Tito and Randy, accompanied him to court Wednesday. Other members of the family will attend court on Thursday and Friday during closing arguments, Bain said. Jackson has pleaded innocent to all the charges. If convicted on all counts, he could spend more than 18 years in prison.

Primer articulo de ALTEILLA:

La fiscalía empezó sus argumentos finales en eljuidio a MJ el jueves diciendo que el cantante molestó a su cliente y a otros chicos y que el caso de la defensa estaba "enteramente limitado" a atacar la credibilidad de la madre del chico. "Este caso es sobre abuso y explotación sexual de un superviviente de cáncer de 13 años y no sobre una celebridad" dijo Ron Zonen.
Zonen contó al jurado que este argumento llevaria pocas horas. El equipo de la defensa esperaba empezar sus argumentos finales. El jurado había sido informado de terminar el caso el Viernes.
Jackson llegó a la corte poco tiempo antes y se encontró con un numeroso grupo de fans que siguen el caso, cuyo fin ya está cerca. MJ, con un abrigo oscuro y un chaleco platino, les hizo saber(a los fans) con un saludo que "los había visto" (esto es, que se había dado cuenta que tiene mucho apoyo de los fans). El miercoles Jackson se sentó silenciosamente y estuvo inmóvil en la corte mientras el jurado recibía instrucciones para la deliberacion.
"Es una situación difícil...... "Cree profundamente...2 (es lo que he traducido antes que dijo su portavoz Raimone).

El juez redactó los 10 cargos contra Jackson, que incluyen dos cargos menores contra el chico y alegados por el hermano de la victima. Durante su testimonio (se refiere al gamboso), el menor describió dos incidentes de molestias y su hermano dijo que el menor (Gavin)había sido molestado dos veces mientras dormía.
El escrito incluye también un cargo de conspiración, secuestro, extorsión, cuatro cargos de administrar sustancia tóxica(vino) con el propósito de abusar de él, y un cargo de faltas menores (esto no lo comprendo muy bien).
El juez recordó al jurado sobre el cargo de administrar alcohol que lo consideraban como una falta menor, ya que las instrucciones detallan no entender que se le diera alcohol al menor con el proposito de abusar de él.
2º articulo de Alteilla:

La fiscalía cierra sus argumentos en el caso de abusos sexuales de MJ acusando a la estrella de explotar y seducir a sus allegados. "Este caso es sobre abuso y explotación de un superviviente de cáncer de 13 años por una celebridad internacional", le dijo al jurado el fiscal Ron Zonen, los cuales (jurado) han sido informados de resolver el caso el Viernes.
Jackson podría seducir a chicos dentro de su intimidad, dentro de su habitación, dentro de su cama" dijo el fiscal. Zonen dijo que la familia del joven acusador no le había hecho una "encerrona" a MJ, como mantiene la defensa, sino que fue al revés. (+ o - eso dice).
"Michael Jackson se metió en la vida de la familia (del acusador), y no al revés". Zonen atacó la credibilidad del abogado de la defensa Mesereau, acerca de su postura (la de Mez) de contraatacar contra la madre, a la cual la defensa reclama que inventó los abusos para extorsionar a Jackson.
Zonen dijo que la madre, hasta el dia de hoy, nunca ha pedido un céntimo a MJ, ni le ha querido nada de él, nunca ha deseado nada de él".

Perdonad por los errores, he traducido, como siempre, pragmáticamente, esto es, que no es traducción literal, sino que traduzco significados y sentidos (vamos, que habrá palabras en español que en inglés no aparezcan y diceversa, es para explicarlo mejor, aunque lo pongo en paréntesis).
Besos a todos , gracias x postear.
Creo que esto aun no se ha puesto:

Prosecutor: Jackson Sexually Abused Teen

By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer 7 minutes ago


Zonen told jurors at the outset that his argument would take a few hours. Defense attorneys were then expected to begin their closing. The jury has been told it will get the case on Friday.

Zonen read jurors a line from Jackson attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr.'s opening statement in which the lawyer said, "I think an opening statement is a contract."

He said Mesereau had invited jurors to judge him on the basis of whether he kept the promises when the testimony was presented, and he listed a series of alleged inconsistencies.

Zonen said Mesereau claimed that the mother was involved in shakedowns of several celebrities including comedians George Lopez and Jay Leno. But he said Lopez had criticized the boy's father — not the mother, in his testimony and Leno testified that the boy may have called him but he never remembered being asked for money.

Zonen also said Mesereau had told jurors he would show that the mother asked Mike Tyson, Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey for money.

"Did you see any of them come in here?" Zonen said. "There's no evidence she received anything from the three of them."

The prosecutor acknowledged that the mother fraudulently underreported income on an application for welfare. He said she did it when she had separated from her husband and had three children to care for.

"That was a mistake. It was fraud. She shouldn't have done it," Zonen said. "That was the only thing she's done in her life that she clearly shouldn't have done."

Jackson's arrival at court a short time earlier was met by a contingent of fans that has been growing as the case nears its end. Jackson, in a dark coat and plaid vest, acknowledged them with a wave.



AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.
El de Alteilla que empieza "Pop singer.....":

El cantante de pop MJ estaba un poco triste en su juicio de abusos a niños que se celebra en California, ahora en sus argumentos finales, le dijo su portavoz a los reporteros.
En la tarde del miércoles, el juez Rodney de Sta Barbara leyó 98 instrucciones al jurado formado por 9 mujeres y 4 hombres, que incluian detalles sobre aminoración de cargos a Jackson.
"El (MJ) escuchó los cargos en su contra, que le hicieron sentirse un poco triste, y eso es natural" dijo la portavoz Raimone. "¿Quién no estaría nervioso? Es una situación dificil sentarte allí y saber que estás en la balanza".
Los padres del procesado de 46 años, Katherine y Joe, y dos de sus hermanos, Tito y Randy, le acompañaronala Corte. Otros miembros de la familia estarán en la corte tanto el jueves como en los argumentos del viernes, dijo la portavoz. Jackson se ha declarado inocente de todos los cargos. Si fuera declarado culpable de todos ellos, estaría en prisión más de 18 años.
Prosecutor Attacks Jackson Defense In Closing

POSTED: 10:17 am PDT June 2, 2005
UPDATED: 10:29 am PDT June 2, 2005

SANTA MARIA, Calif. -- Michael Jackson's attorney failed to keep promises made in opening statements of the pop star's child molestation trial and the efense's only strategy was to attack the credibility of the accuser's mother, a prosecutor said Thursday in closing arguments.

"This case is about the exploitation and sexual abuse of a 13-year-old cancer survivor by an international celebrity," Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen told the jury in an argument that was expected to take a few hours.

The defense was then expected to begin its closing argument. The jury has been told it will get the case on Friday.

Zonen dramatically read jurors a statement from Jackson attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr.'s opening statement in which the lawyer said, "I think an opening statement is a contract."

He said Mesereau had invited jurors to judge him on the basis of whether he kept the promises.

"Let's begin that judgment," he said, listing a series of alleged inconsistencies.

Zonen said Mesereau claimed that the mother was involved in shakedowns of several celebrities including George Lopez and Jay Leno, but he said Lopez testified the boy and his father -- not the mother -- were involved in a scam involving a wallet purportedly left by the boy at Lopez's home.

The prosecutor noted that Leno testified that the boy may have called him but the "Tonight Show" host never remembered being asked for money.

Zonen also said Mesereau had told jurors he would show that the mother asked Mike Tyson, Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey for money.

"Did you see any of them come in here?" Zonen said. "There's no evidence she received anything from the three of them."

The 46-year-old entertainer is charged with molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor in February or March 2003, plying him with wine and conspiring to hold his family captive to get them to rebut damaging aspects of the documentary "Living With Michael Jackson," in which Jackson held hands with the boy as he talked of allowing children into his bed for what he said were innocent sleepovers.

Zonen said Mesereau also failed to prove that the mother tried to negotiate for money during the making of the rebuttal video and that she tried to use her son's illness to make money.

He acknowledged that the mother received $2,000 from Hamid Moslehi, Jackson's videographer, during the making of the video. But Zonen said Moslehi was to receive $250,000 the next day for his work and others involved were also well-paid.

He said Moslehi was simply helping the mother.

"He recognized the injustice of what was going on," Zonen said. "He readily says that she did not ask for it."

Zonen also said it was outrageous for the defense to object to the mother receiving spa treatments at Jackson's expense when the pop star and his associates were profiting from the family.

The prosecutor ridiculed Mesereau's suggestion that Jackson took time out of his career to help the boy during his battle with cancer.

Zonen said Jackson never visited the boy when he was hospitalized in Los Angeles in 2000.

He acknowledged Jackson had many long phone calls with the boy but said that was typical.

"He did that with all the boys who ended up in his room. That's how Michael Jackson functioned. That's what Michael Jackson does," Zonen said.

The prosecutor acknowledged that the mother fraudulently underreported income on an application for welfare. He said she did it when she had separated from her husband and had three children to care for.

"That was a mistake. It was fraud. She shouldn't have done it," Zonen said. "That was the only thing she's done in her life that she clearly shouldn't have done."

Zonen also presented a timeline of the events in the case as well as statements from Jackson including, "I have slept in a bed with many children," which Jackson said in the TV documentary.

The prosecutor also noted that during testimony trial participants were barred from referring to materials found in Jackson's home as pornography, but he was now free to do so. He said he would use the term, show the material and say why he was calling it pornography.

On Wednesday Jackson had sat silently and unmoving in court as the jury received instructions for their deliberations.

"It's a very difficult situation to sit in there and know your life is in the balance," Jackson spokeswoman Raymone K. Bain said afterward.

"He has strong faith in God and in the judicial system," Bain said of Jackson. "He knows his fate is in the hands of 12 jurors."

Bain said Jackson's emotions have varied during his 14-week trial.

"He has had anger. He's been happy about some of the information that has come out in court," she said.

Copyright 2005 by KTVU.com.

Michael Jackson podría ir a la cárcel,
pero por darle alcohol a un menor

Por Claudia Martínez.

¿A la cárcel?
Lo están juzgando por supuesto abuso de menores, pero tal vez termine en la cárcel por un delito de mucho menos peso: darle alcohol a un menor de edad. Así están las cosas en el juicio contra Michael Jackson. Según el Daily Mail, el juez a cargo, Rodney Melville, dijo que le daría instrucciones al jurado en la corte de Santa María, en California, para que consideren el cargo menor si creían que no había evidencias suficientes para acusar al cantante de abuso sexual. Y los observadores judiciales concuerdan en que la decisión del juez favoreció a los fiscales, ya que el cargo de darle alcohol a un menor podría ser más fácil de probar. De hecho, el joven Gavin Arvizo, de quien supuestamente Jackson se abusó en su rancho Neverland y por el que se le está siguiendo el juicio, declaró en el estrado y en una entrevista filmada con la policía que el cantante le dio alcohol en más de una oportunidad. Si la sugerencia del juez prospera, las esperanzas de Michael Jackson de evitar ir a prisión habrán sufrido un golpe tan duro como inesperado.
Última edición: