Como ya ha dicho bizilagun (también se lo dije White -que también ha estado en el chat- y a Star y Mpe) Diane Dimond ha estado presente hoy en el canal chat de CourtTV. La web (al menos a mí) impedía seleccionar y "pastear" luego, así que he tenido que ir copiando tal cual en el bloc de notas toda la conversación.
Aquí va (llenando el foro un poco de vomitos.. como decián por ahi)
Court_TV_Host> Welcome, Diane... thanks for joining us today.
diane_dimond>hi everybody. interesting day in court.
Question>kiara: Diane thnx for joining us for a chat... what may we infer re: basheer evidence allowed by judge?
diane_dimond> i wil be the keystone to the state's case
diane_dimond> the prescutor will allege that everyghing happened after it aired
Question> kayaeger: wass the victim's family there?
diane_dimond> no, they are not allowed in court becouse they are witnesses
diane_dimond> it is common that future witnesses are sequestered
Question> revfun: what is the atmosphere like in the court room?
diane_dimond> everyone is very attentive and quite
diane_dimond> most of the rows are filled with reporters and the public
diane_dimond> but two rows in front behind jackson were empty today
diane_dimond> i am told that is where his familiy was sopposed to sit
diane_dimond> only his mother and brother jermaine were in court today
Question> lisadoesearth: if child porno was found in jackson's home why wasn't he charged?
Question> mikesguilty: can michael jackson still be charged with de kiddie porn?
diane_dimond> those are great questiobns
diane_dimond> we learned today for the first time that detectives found 23 magazines of naked children
diane_dimond> (circa 1960s)
diane_dimond> why he wasn't charged with possessing child por is anyone's guess
diane_dimond> they were described as nudist pictures so maybe they could be considered "art"
Question> ctv_warhorse2: can you give us the names of some of the 23 kiddy porn magazines that you spoke about today? were they different from barely legal?
Question> shazzie: diane, please tell us more about these "vintage" child porn magazines... can you give us more specifics, please?
diane_dimond> the are different from barely lega magazines
diane_dimond> and i wouldn't give you any more infor on them if i could
Question> nyc-chloe: is flo anthony paid by the jacksons?
diane_dimond> no that i know of and i have no independant confirmation that she is as close to the jackson family
diane_dimond> as she claims
Question> mary: will the jury be squestered
diane_dimond> not so far buth that could very well happen during deliberations
Question> boswix: do you believe that race will be an issue here like the oj case?
diane_dimond> although his parents have brought that up as well as his brother jermaine (calling it a "modern day lynching")
diane_dimond> i dont hear any mention made by his attorney tom mesereau
Question> allyoops: waht did mesereau have to say in this was the third time she had made
diane_dimond> false imprisonment claims -- the fourth time she has made claims of sexual assault
diane_dimond> meserau said that jackson did not see through "her ruse" as other celebs had
diane_dimond> and he "became her mark"
diane_dimond> meserau also said she had "hustled" chris tucker out of $2000
diane_dimond> sneddon objected to the word "hustled"
diane_dimond> judge Melville sustained, and mesereaau mockingly used the word "obtained" instead
Question> allyops: what did tom sneddon say during openings
diane_dimond> he said tha mj lives in a word where the public life and the private life are completely opposite
diane_dimond>he said Mj talks about serving children mikl and cookies and reading them bedtime stories
diane_dimond> but in reality it is wine, vodka, and bourbon -- and porno mags at bedtime
diane_dimond> he said this accuser was repeatedly molested
diane_dimond> his brother saw two instances and several neverland employees can confirm the minors were served liquor
Question> tara: how was michael's demeanor today, was he looking at the jury, taking notes??
Question> dmahoney: diane, how did mj act in court today?
diane_dimond> he took no notes. he basically stared straight ahead at tom sneddon
diane_dimond> i did notice that during "embarrassing points" he would put his hand up to his mouth as if to cover his face
Question> milo: diane, do yo feel that jackson's attorney having to continue the opening statements tomorrow will have an impact on the jury (for better or worse)?
diane_dimond> you never know about this.
diane_dimond> but the judge ordered mesereau had to start after sneddon was done
diane_dimond> it could go to stop mesereau's momentum
diane_dimond> but he is good at what he does and he will pick it back up
Question> harriet: how many fans showed up? was the nation of islam there?
diane_dimond> i did not see any nation of islam. when i went into court there were 45 people who won public seats.
diane_dimond> however, many of them were members of the media -- including john springer and bryan lavietes of court tv
diane_dimond> i was suprised at how few fans showed up today. but it was raining badly this morning
Question> hi: annieok1 .. what do you think is the most important point the defense made today?
diane_dimond> that the vicitm's mother has questionable motivitacions and that she may have been the reason
diane_dimond> her son said what he said
Question> helen: when mj was arrested he claimed he was treated badly and showed bruises will that be brought up in court?
diane_dimond> the state has filed a motion to be allowed to talk about that in court
diane_dimond> and frankly, i think issue is still pending.
Question> monik: hi diane, love the show. you mentioned tha mj had some sort of sherriff's badge on his coat, did you get a closer look?
diane_dimond> it looked like a big metal starfish with extra arms.
diane_dimond> everyday he wears some fabolous pieces of jewlery. very extravagant.
diane_dimond> i am fascinated by the watch fob chain aroun his waist that displays 3-inc miniature crowns on it
diane_dimond> i must be his goodluck charm
Question> soccermom: diane, what's this with the surprise witness? if this woman worked for attorney wouldn't her information be privileged?
diane_dimond> all parties were supposed to be in court at 8.15 am pt to discuss that
diane_dimond> when they started court we heard nothing more about it
diane_dimond> hold on
diane_dimond> sabannah mentioned and employee of the law firm in his opening
diane_dimond> presumably, it is this witness, but he did not make that explicit
Question> lizbeth: diane, do you think the prosecution has the same resources as jackson's team?
diane_dimond> gee, i wish i knew the answer to that
diane_dimond> santa barbara is cash-strapped, but then so is mj
Question> eowyn: diane what do you find to be the most compelling statement in the pros. case?
diane_dimond> the mos compelling is the question sneddon posed to the jury;
diane_dimond> "whay would an adult man give a minor alcohol... for what purpose?"
Question> kiara: diane... please elaborate upon mj's use of the word "bliss"... it seems to have had multiple meanings.
diane_dimond> i first heard the terme "bliss" from the boy in 1993
diane_dimond> he said that part of mj's mantra that he was to repeat everyday
diane_dimond> "never give up your bliss"
diane_dimond> asked by his psychiatrist what that meant. the boy said it was a reference to "the sex act"
Question> allyoops: do you have a seat in the courthouse everday, or do you have to fight for one?
diane_dimond> nope. i have a permanet seat. but since i have to come out to do live shots throughout the day,
diane_dimond> i share the seat with savannah guthrie. she is terrific.
Question> strumph3: who is this employee, tyson?
diane_dimond> fank cascio tyson has been aroun mj since he was a small boy
diane_dimond> his father was the concierge at a ny hotel where jackson stayed
diane_dimond> right aftter the 1993 allegatiions, cascio and his younger brother were seen travelling the world with jackson
diane_dimond> the prosecutor alleges that durin this case, cascio was paid &1 millian in cash
diane_dimond> he is an unidcited co-conspirator
Question> lizbeth: did jackson look at the joru, smile at them or try to engage them in any way?
diane_dimond> when the jury first comes in, he very politely stands up in respect
diane_dimond> he nods and smiles.
diane_dimond> but i am not sure the jury is really looking at him. they seem to deliberately not lool at him when they come in
diane_dimond> at he cloes of court today, as hgis fans were filing out he blew them a kiss
Question> orozco: how many seats are available to the public?
diane_dimond> 45seats. they are distributed by a public lottery held at 6 am
Question> maestrosity: diane, do you think a jury will have a hard time convicting mj? meaning at the end of the day, can they find it in their hearts to send a mega-star to prison?
diane_dimond> that is the $64,000 question and i dont have an answer.
Question> shari: does mj seem interested in this? is he talking to his lawyers?
diane_dimond> yes, especially during breaks he whispers with tom mesereau. but again, he is very respectful in court
diane_dimond> and he doesnt gesture or make faces very often
Question> kiara, diane... if prosecutors offered any plea bargain, would the general public be privy to that info?
diane_dimond> i dont think the prosecutor would ever bargain with mj
court_tv_host> any closing thoughts?
diane_dimond> jury selection did not go nearly as long as expected. and in dont think this trial will go as long as expected either
diane_dimond> i am guessing about three months -- but dont hold me to it
dd.but then again, this trial has been 10 years in the making
court_tv_host> thanks, diane.
court_tv_host> come back soon"
diane_dimond> thank you very much. i will. thanks for all of the great questions. keep on watching!