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[28 de febrero] 8º Día de Juicio: Noticias y Fotos

Partes de la transcripción del día de ayer se utilizan para la "recreación" del juicio que hacen en SkyNews. Borro los añadidos de los reporteros de SkyNews y así nos quedamos con la transcripción más exacta.



On February the 3rd of 2003, Michael Jackson's world was rocked. And it didn't rock in a musical sense. It rocked in a real life sense. And it was rocked by the fallout from the broadcast in the United Kingdom of the Martin Bashir video documentary, "Living with Michael Jackson." And his life was rocked so badly that one of his long-time closest and most trusted associates, and co-conspirator in this case, Marc Schaffel described it as "a train wreck." Now, I'm sure that some of you ladies and gentlemen are going to be a little surprised to learn, as the testimony and the evidence unfolds in this case, that actually for years prior to the Bashir video that the defendant in this case was heavily in debt. That his musical assets --

MR. MESEREAU: Objection.

MR. SNEDDON: -- and his real estate property --

MR. MESEREAU: Objection.

THE JUDGE: Sustained.

MR. SNEDDON: Your Honor, that's the motive for the --

MR. MESEREAU: Objection, again, Your Honor.


MR. MESEREAU: He's violating your order.

THE JUDGE: The final determination as to the financial evidence coming in has not been reached.

MR. SNEDDON: Very well, Your Honor. Unfortunately, for Mr. Jackson, the effect of the Bashir documentary had just the opposite effect. This case, in Count 1, is a case about conspiracy. It's about the train wreck situation caused by the Bashir documentary. It's about the world's reaction and how it created the motive for the once superstar's desperate attempt to salvage his once very powerful musical career.

This case is about the defendant. It's about his manipulation of the young boy's adolescence through exposing him to strange sexual behavior and introducing him to sexually graphic adult magazines. It's about how he traded on the boy's obvious and often expressed admiration for the defendant. And it's about how he exploited the knowledge of the fact that the child had no father in his life, and had had no father in his life for over a year, because of the separation and divorce of the parents, and the fact that there was a court restraining order prohibiting the father from seeing the children. He exploited this paternal relationship and created another relationship with the child as a surrogate father, encouraging both the child, Gavin Arvizo, the mother, and other members of the family to refer to him as "Daddy" or "Michael Daddy." You will soon see, as one of the first witnesses in this case, the Martin Bashir documentary. You will see Bashir's probing and
incredulous questioning of the defendant. And you will see the defendant's almost casual responses to his questions in trying to justify his admitted practice and long-standing custom and habit of sharing his bedroom, and his
bed, with young boys.
This is the interview of Martin Bashir and the defendant. It's the interview that occurs towards the end of the eight-month journey in the filming of the life and "Living with Michael Jackson" video documentary:

"Martin Bashir: It was a great privilege to meet Gavin because he's had a lot of suffering in his life.
"Michael Jackson: Yeah.
"Martin Bashir: When Gavin was there, he talked about the fact that he shares your bedroom.
"Michael Jackson: Yes.
"Martin Bashir: Can you understand why people would worry about that?
"Michael Jackson: Because they're ignorant.
"Bashir: But is it really appropriate for a 40-year-old man to share a bedroom with a child that is not related to him?
"Michael Jackson: That's a beautiful thing.
"Martin Bashir: That's not a worrying thing?
"Michael Jackson: Why should it be worrying? Who's the criminal? Who's the Jack the Ripper in the room? This is a guy trying to help and heal a child. I'm sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor. I give him the bed because he has a brother named Star, so him and Star took the bed and I'm on the floor in the sleeping bag.
"Martin Bashir: Did you ever sleep in bed with him?
"Michael: No, but I have slept in bed with many children. I sleep in bed with all of them.
"Bashir: But is that right, Michael?
"Michael: It's very right. It's very loving. That's what the world needs now. More love, more love.
"Martin Bashir: The world? The world needs....
"Michael Jackson: More heart.
"Martin Bashir: The world? The world needs a man, 44, sleeping in bed with children?
"Michael Jackson. No, you're making it -- no, no, you're making it all wrong. That's wrong.
"Bashir: Well, tell me. Help me.
"Michael Jackson: Because what's wrong with sharing a love? You don't sleep with your kids and some other kids"
-- I'm sorry.
"You don't sleep with your kids or some other kids who need love who
didn't have a good childhood?
"Martin Bashir: No. No, I don't. I never dream of sleeping --
"Michael Jackson: Well, I would. I would. Because you've never been where I've been mentally."

Later on in the transcript, Bashir goes on:

"But isn't that precisely the problem, that when you actually invite children into your bed, you never know what's going to happen?
"Michael Jackson: But when you say 'bed,' you're thinking sexual. They make it sexual. It's not sexual. We're going to sleep. I tuck them in. We put -- I put a little, like, music on. We do a little story time. I read a book. It's very sweet. We put the fireplace on. We give them hot milk, you know, and we have little cookies. It's very charming. It's very sweet."

SNEDDON: In August of 2000, the Arvizo family, Gavin's -- Gavin, ten, and Star, nine, were picked up in a limousine with their mother and their father and their brother, and travelled to Neverland Valley Ranch. It was here -- and you can imagine just about the excitement that must have been with the family, coming from an environment like that to the ranch and this beauty that we have here in Santa Barbara County. And the family was put up in the
guest cottages at the ranch and they were there for several days. Now, on the night before the last day that they were to leave, Michael Jackson, the defendant in this case, takes Gavin aside, and he says to Gavin, "Gavin, why don't you ask your parents if you can spend the night in my bedroom, at the dinner table tonight." Well, obviously here's a little kid who's in the midst of a life-threatening disease --

MR. MESEREAU: Objection.

MR. SNEDDON: -- a chance to spend the night --

MR. MESEREAU: Objection.

THE JUDGE: Overruled. Go ahead.

MR. SNEDDON: -- the chance to spend the night with one of his idols. Gavin obliges. Gavin asks his parents at dinner, "Can I spend the night with Michael Jackson in his bedroom?" And the parents say, "Yes"; they agree. And it's agreed that Star will go along with them.

SNEDDON: Now, what happens that night is this: The defendant, Frank Tyson, the defendant's children, particularly his son Prince, Prince Michael, and the two Arvizo boys are in the downstairs area of the Jackson bedroom suite. And after a few hours, they go upstairs to the bedroom. And when they get up into the bedroom, Tyson pulls out a laptop computer, and Jackson and Tyson are hooking the computer up to the Internet. And when they get on the Internet, they then place the computer with the boys there,
and they take the boys, nine-year-old and ten-year-old, on a tour of sexually explicit websites. Naked ladies. They take them on a tour of a number of websites. And it lasts approximately 30 to 40 minutes.

You see, the private world of Michael Jackson is quite different from what he said on that video. As the testimony and the evidence unfolds in this particular case, you will learn that the stories he refers to in that video remark do not consist of children's books, but the Internet visits to sexually explicit sites, the exposure of children to suitcases, briefcases laden with sexually explicit magazines and centerfold cutouts from magazines such as Hustler and Playboy, with titles like "Barely Legal Hard-Core," "Barely Legal" and many others with far more offensive covers and cover titles. You see, the private world of Michael Jackson reveals that instead of cookies and instead of milk, you can substitute wine, vodka, and bourbon. Now, publicly Michael Jackson says he doesn't drink. But his private behavior and conduct is quite the opposite, as you will learn through numerous witnesses in this case. First he's caught on film talking to Martin Bashir about wine. And he uses it and describes it as "Jesus Juice," the same exact expression that the Arvizo children told detectives in this case that Michael Jackson used in referring to red wine that he provided to them, and he referred to it as "Jesus Juice."

Neverland Valley Ranch, where the defendant's bedroom is located on the second floor of this master suite. It's a bedroom that can only be accessed by one entrance and exit. Only one. As you walk through the room into another Vanity type of bathroom and you turn immediately to the left, there's a stairway. And as you walk up the stairwell to the top of the stairs, there are walls on both sides until you reach about two-thirds of the way up the stairwell. At that point the right side of the wall gives way to a banister and
to pedestals that are separated about 18 inches apart. Ladies and gentlemen, it's in this room and on the bed that you see when you reach the landing and you can see through the pedestals, that the defendant, Michael Jackson, on the second occasion, opened up his Samsonite briefcase and displayed to the
boys numerous sexually explicit magazines, both adult and teenaged themed.
It's on -- in this room and in this bed that the defendant took a mannequin from the -- from the corner -- I forgot to tell you, when you reach the top of the bed and you look over to the far right-hand corner, there's a female mannequin. A young, 13-, 14-, 15-year-old-looking mannequin. And it's in this room and on that bed that the defendant, in the presence of these two boys, put that mannequin, put it on the bed, and began to simulate an act of sexual intercourse with this mannequin.


These charges are fake, silly, ridiculous --

MR. SNEDDON: Your Honor, I'm going to object as argumentative.


MR. MESEREAU: Ladies and gentlemen, I have an organized opening statement for you. I'm going to take you through various topics. Who Mr. Jackson is, what Neverland is, how he met these people, what kind of lives they have led. But I've decided, in light of what was just said, to start off with a couple of issues that I'd like you to think about throughout the trial.
Because I'm going to prove exactly what I'm going to tell you now. First of all, the Arvizo family is from Los Angeles. We are going to bring in witnesses to tell you about their behavior. For example, Janet and Gavin called Comedian Jay Leno and tried to get money from Mr. Leno. Mr. Leno has told the Santa
Barbara police, "Something was wrong. They were looking for a mark. It sounded scripted. The mother was in the background, and I terminated the
conversation." Comedian George Lopez was approached by Gavin and Janet. He was asked for money. He didn't want to give money, and then they accused him of stealing $300 from Gavin's wallet.

MR. SNEDDON: Your Honor, I'm going to object to that statement. The Court has a 403 ruling.

THE COURT: Sustained.

(A 403 ruling meant the Judge decided the claim wasn't relevant)

MESEREAU: Janet Arvizo sued J.C. Penney in West Covina in Los Angeles County. She was living in Los Angeles with her family at various locations, which will become important, and I will tell you why. She claimed that she was the victim and her children were the victim of battery, false imprisonment and infliction of emotional distress. This was in July of 1999. Almost a year later, she amended that complaint to add sexual assault by a security officer. What did she say the security officer had done in the J.C. Penney public parking lot? She said her breasts were fondled, her nipple was squeezed 10 to 20 times, she was punched with a closed fist by a J.C. Penney security guard,
She was molested in her vaginal area, and she was called racial slurs. That is the case where she was testifying under oath. That is the case where the
prosecutor says she lied. She has admitted lying in that case. Her son was ill. The lawsuit was settled. The family got a total of $152,500. That's the Arvizo family.

Let's go through what she was buying and what was ultimately billed to Michael Jackson during this terrible period of false imprisonment:

February 14th, 2003: Full leg wax at Bare Skin Salon for $50; a lip wax; a bikini wax. Has her face done at Aromatherapy Day Spa. The total is

February 21st, Lisa's Beauty, hair products for Janet Arvizo are purchased for $28.91. The same day, she buys bras and Jockey bikinis at Robinson-May, a total of $92.24, all billed to Michael.

On February 25th at Anchor Blue, she buys clothing for $448.04 for she and her children. She also goes to Robinson's-May, buys bras, thongs and bikinis for $115.83 in care of Michael Jackson. She buys cosmetics at Lisa's Beauty for $34.29.

It all starts really getting going in February, January and February 2003. You have, from all sides, the following: Media everywhere; the D.A's Office looking into what all this means; the Department of Children & Family Services looking at what all this means; the people around Michael Jackson allegedly panicked and concerned. And there was concern, but I'll tell you what it was all about.
The networks start negotiating to have a responsive show to the Bashir documentary, which ultimately happens. So they're converging on Neverland. They're converging on Michael's people and his advisors and himself to try and do something to respond to the Bashir documentary. And guess what happens, they say, in the middle of all of this? That's when they say the child molestation begins. I submit to you we will prove it never, ever happened. Can you imagine a more absurd time for it to ever happen? Because what the prosecutor said to you about the media was true. They were everywhere. They were following the Arvizos to their home. They were trying to get interviews. And the Arvizos were asking for money from the media, just like they wanted money to do a production with Michael Jackson.
He hecho un repaso a las fotos de los posts. Pongo unas más que no se han puesto todavía...








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