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Audiencia del 29 de Noviembre

Thomas Mesereau Jr., attorney for Michael Jackson, arrives at the Santa Barbara County Courthouse in Santa Maria, Calif., Monday, Nov. 29, 2004




SANTA MARIA, CA - NOVEMBER 29: Michael Jackson defense attorney, Robert Sanger, arrives at the Santa Barbara Superior courthouse for a pretrial hearing in Michael Jackson's child molestation and conspiracy trial November 29, 2004 in Santa Maria, California.


SANTA MARIA, CA - NOVEMBER 29: Singer Michael Jackson's defense attorneys, Thomas Mesereau (L) and Susan Yu, arrive at the Santa Barbara Superior courthouse for a pretrial hearing in Michael Jackson's child molestation and conspiracy trial November 29, 2004 in Santa Maria, California.
Última edición:



SANTA MARIA, CA - NOVEMBER 29: Michael Jackson defense attorney, Susan Yu, arrives at the Santa Barbara Superior courthouse for a pretrial hearing in Michael Jackson's child molestation and conspiracy trial November 29, 2004 in Santa Maria, California.
Segun el canal americano de noticias MSNBC Melville denegó la mocion para evaluar psicologicamente a los gambosos!!

Bueno, no es niguna sorpresa..... pero desde luego esto no puede seguir asi!! LA defensa tiene q sacar a ese bastardo de ahi a patadas si hace falta!!
Esto se tiene que ir a la corte de apelaciones pero ya! no es posible la corrupción tan evidente por parte del petardo juez, quiereo enterarme de cuales han sido sus "razones" para negar las evaluaciones médicas, solo me queda una duda, Melville habrá negado todas las mociones o solo la de los examenes médicos?
Jackson defense won't get psychological exam of accuser's family


[size=-1]TIM MOLLOY[/size]

[size=-1]Associated Press[/size]

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The judge in the molestation case against Michael Jackson on Monday rejected a defense request to conduct psychological examinations of the alleged victim's family.

Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville ruled without hearing arguments in court.

Attorneys could not comment on the decision because of a gag order.

The judge did grant a defense request to release transcripts of the grand jury selection process as long as grand jurors' names remained confidential. The defense has complained that prosecutors had too much sway over grand jurors and argued that their indictment of Jackson was reached improperly.

Jackson was originally charged by Santa Barbara County prosecutors in December 2003. Prosecutors then took the case to the grand jury, which issued a superseding indictment in April.

The pop star has pleaded not guilty to charges of child molestation, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to the alleged victim. His trial is scheduled to start Jan. 31.

Attorneys also argued in court over a prosecution claim that subpoenas issued by the defense are overly broad.

The defense has sought medical and banking records involving the accuser's family that prosecutors say are completely irrelevant.

"There are clearly records that are out of bounds such as the gynecological records of the victim's sister or mother," said Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen.

The prosecutor said the defense had also requested 23 years of military records for the alleged victim's stepfather, and that an attorney for the family objected to a subpoena for "medical records from UCLA."

Defense attorney Robert Sanger accused Zonen of dropping "sound bites" by referring to the gynecological records.

"There's a very good reason for requesting those and I don't want to go into that right now," Sanger said.

Prosecutors also objected to the defense giving subpoenas to banks, medical facilities and others without informing the prosecution or the people referenced in the targeted records.

Jackson's attorneys said they needed to gather records without prosecution interference in order to build the defense without tipping their hand about potential strategies.

The judge, saying he wanted to protect both Jackson and the people named in the records, ordered the defense to notify the people involved. He said those people would have five court days to file objections to the release of records to the defense.

Melville said the defense would not be required to notify the prosecution about the subpoenas.
Se sabe si en esta mocion tambien estaba incluido los historiales medicos de la familia? o el bastardo del juez solo ha denegado el examen psicologico...??

Supongo q era muy dificil q lo aceptara, como hemos dicho en el otro post..! Pero ALita tiene razon... la defensa tiene q mover esto para el tribunal de apelaciones YA!!!

y luchar alli.. esta claro q melville esta comprado...!!
rafam dijo:
Jackson defense won't get psychological exam of accuser's family


[size=-1]TIM MOLLOY[/size]

[size=-1]Associated Press[/size]

SANTA MARIA, Calif. - The judge in the molestation case against Michael Jackson on Monday rejected a defense request to conduct psychological examinations of the alleged victim's family.

Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville ruled without hearing arguments in court.

Attorneys could not comment on the decision because of a gag order.

The judge did grant a defense request to release transcripts of the grand jury selection process as long as grand jurors' names remained confidential. The defense has complained that prosecutors had too much sway over grand jurors and argued that their indictment of Jackson was reached improperly.

Jackson was originally charged by Santa Barbara County prosecutors in December 2003. Prosecutors then took the case to the grand jury, which issued a superseding indictment in April.

The pop star has pleaded not guilty to charges of child molestation, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to the alleged victim. His trial is scheduled to start Jan. 31.

Attorneys also argued in court over a prosecution claim that subpoenas issued by the defense are overly broad.

The defense has sought medical and banking records involving the accuser's family that prosecutors say are completely irrelevant.

"There are clearly records that are out of bounds such as the gynecological records of the victim's sister or mother," said Senior Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen.

The prosecutor said the defense had also requested 23 years of military records for the alleged victim's stepfather, and that an attorney for the family objected to a subpoena for "medical records from UCLA."

Defense attorney Robert Sanger accused Zonen of dropping "sound bites" by referring to the gynecological records.

"There's a very good reason for requesting those and I don't want to go into that right now," Sanger said.

Prosecutors also objected to the defense giving subpoenas to banks, medical facilities and others without informing the prosecution or the people referenced in the targeted records.

Jackson's attorneys said they needed to gather records without prosecution interference in order to build the defense without tipping their hand about potential strategies.

The judge, saying he wanted to protect both Jackson and the people named in the records, ordered the defense to notify the people involved. He said those people would have five court days to file objections to the release of records to the defense.

Melville said the defense would not be required to notify the prosecution about the subpoenas.
K, según el artículo lo que el Melville de mierda negó fue que se realizarán examenes psicológicos a la familia, no aceptó argumento alguno por parte de la defensa.

Melville también dijo que la defensa necesita dar los nombres de las personas a las que la defensa lleguen a citar pero dijo que la defensa no requerirá notificar a la fiscalía sobre dichos citatorios.

Otra cosa que Melville aceptó de la defensa es el publicar las transcripciones sobre los procesos en la selección del gran jurado mientras que los nombres permanezcan anonimos.

También dice que durante la audiencia tanto la defensa como la fiscalía discutieron sobre el porque la defensa ha requisado tanta información bancaria y médica de los Arvizo y de Jay Jackson, Sagner dijo que el no elaborará el porque son importantes estos documentos para la investigación que está llevando la defensa. (Esto me da muy buena vibra, ya que muchas de esas cosas pueden perjudicar a la familia)

Se sabe si en esta mocion tambien estaba incluido los historiales medicos de la familia? o el bastardo del juez solo ha denegado el examen psicologico...??
No, por lo que entiendo creo que solo negó los nuevos examenes que pedía la defensa y ha dicho que se tendrá que notificar a las personas involucradas en esto sobre los documentos que la defensa requise y ellos tendrán 5 días para presentar sus objeciones.
Última edición:
No tengo precio como vidente. La denegación de los exámenes médicos y psicológicos a la familia estaba cantado.
El equipo de la defensa se reunira esta tarde a puerta cerrada. Nadie podra entrar.

Partes del video del registro de neverland y de la oficina de michael seran puestas a disposicion de la prensa.

El juez le dijo a Brian Oxman q o redactaba las mociones como se le ordeno o sera multado. el juez parecio MUY cabreado!!

No me puedo creer q aun por encima de denegar todas las peticiones de la defensa se atreva a sacar a la luz partes del video y demas..

vaya dia mas triste! :(
Partes del video del registro de neverland y de la oficina de michael seran puestas a disposicion de la prensa.
Esto es demasiado, esto es un circo y no otra cosa, de verdad esto no puede ser legal, se está violando la privacidad de un ser humano, ya no hablo como fan de Michael, sino como un ser racional, no me puedo creer que esto tenga lugar en las leyes de California :|


Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr., lead attorney for Michael Jackson, and attorney Susan C. Yu arrive at the Santa Maria Courthouse for a pre-trial hearing in the pop star's child molestation case Monday, Nov. 29, 2004


Thomas A. Mesereau, Jr., lead attorney for Michael Jackson,departs the Santa Maria Courthouse following a pre-trial hearing in Santa Maria, Calif., Monday, Nov. 29, 2004.
De acuerdo a una chica que estuvo hoy en la corte, Larry Feldman ya no representa a los Arvizo y hoy el nuevo abogado se reuniría con el juez y con la defensa a puerta cerrada.
También se espera que el padre de Gavin se presente a esta reunión, pero no está 100% confirmado.
Última edición:
Estoy odiando mas a Melville que a Snedon, porque al final snedon hace todo lo que quiere gracias a que Melville se lo permite. Es una buena noticia que los acusadores cambien de abogado. Esto no es para nada beneficioso para ellos faltando tan poco para el comienzo del jucio
rafam dijo:
Es una buena noticia que los acusadores cambien de abogado. Esto no es para nada beneficioso para ellos faltando tan poco para el comienzo del jucio
...o no.

No podemos olvidar que Larry Feldman es la piedra que une TODAS las denuncias a MJ por abusos. Si cambian de abogado, es porque no quieren que la defensa les eche eso en cara, mientras Feldman sigue actuando por atrás para llevarse su pico de todo esto.

SANTA MARIA, CA - NOVEMBER 29: Michael Jackson defense attorney, Brian Oxman, arrives at the Santa Barbara Superior courthouse.


Brian Oxman, attorney for Michael Jackson, exit the Santa Barbara County Superior Courthouse


SANTA MARIA, CA - NOVEMBER 29: Santa Barbara District Attorney, Tom Sneddon, leaves the Santa Barbara County Superior Courthouse after a pretrial hearing November 29, 2004 in Santa Maria, California.
