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El anillo de Debbie

Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ


LATEST: MICHAEL JACKSON's ex-wife DEBBIE ROWE is reportedly so furious the troubled singer is witholding her alimony payments - she's considering testifying against him at his child molestation court case, reports British newspaper the DAILY STAR.

The BAD star faces 10 charges relating to claims he sexually abused a teenage boy at his Neverland Ranch home.

And Rowe has threatened to reveal intimate secrets about Jackson which could jeopardise his case, unless he agrees to pay her annual $1 million (£526,315) alimony. She is also considering fighting for sole custody of their children, PRINCE MICHAEL, seven, and PARIS, six.

A source says, "She has indicated to District Attorney TOM SNEDDON she may now be ready to give evidence for the prosecution.

"Jackson must be trembling at that prospect. If anyone knows his bedroom secrets, it's Debbie.

"Her testimony could be dynamite. He just won't know what to expect from her."

FUENTE: http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/entertainment/20722004.htm
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

Parto de que no me creo nada del Daily Star. Han leído lo del cese de los pagos de Friedman y ya se han montado la noticia.

De todas formas, de Debbie tampoco me extrañaría. Aunque si tiene los cojones de testificar en contra de Michael, más culpable es ella que él; que hay que ser muy hija de puta para cederle la custodia de tus hijos a alguien que consideras pederasta; y después defenderlo a capa y espada durante años; para ahora, cuando no hay pelas, hacer tales "revelaciones".

Así que si Michael es pederasta, ella es cómplice, encubridora y, por encima, ha prostituído a sus hijos.
Última edición:
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

VaNiL dijo:
De todas formas, de Debbie tampoco me extrañaría. Aunque si tiene los cojones de testificar en contra de Michael, más culpable es ella que él; que hay que ser muy hija de puta para cederle la custodia de tus hijos a alguien que consideras pederasta; y después defenderlo a capa y espada durante años; para ahora, cuando no hay pelas, hacer tales "revelaciones".

Así que si Michael es pederasta, ella es cómplice, encubridora y, por encima, ha prostituído a sus hijos.
Totalmente de acuerdo, esperemos que no sea cierta la noticia o rumor.
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

El Daily Star no es tan conocido como The Sun o el Mirror, pero es igual de puerco.

Te has pasao, VaNiL (de bueno!)
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

Vanil tienes toda la razon del mundo
yo espero que si lo hace sea porque testifique obligada por el fiscal y espero por su propia dignidad que no diga nada negativo hacia Michael respecto a los niños,porque en realidad lo unico malo que puede decir es que fue una madre de alquiler y que a lo sumo no son hijos biologicos de michael porque del tema de la pedofilia ella no puede saber nada.
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

La verdad que no me lo creo y si testificara como ha dicho Betty no podria decir nada malo, siempre le ha defendido y de lo ultimo que espero de Debbie es que testifique en contra de Michael.
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

No me creo nada que venga en esos periodicuchos y no creo que Debbie se atreva a testificar en contra de Michael. Aunque poca vergüenza ya se ve que tiene esta mujer, llegar a tanto, tanto, tanto de acusarle de pederastia es demasiado, no lo quiero ni pensar.
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

no me creo nada de esa noticia no creo de debbie se porte ahora asi con michael despues de regalarle unos hijos y defenderle como le a defendido...y si debbie testificara contra michael se veria cantadisimo de que hay muuuuuuuuuxo dinero bajo la mesa...

Espero que no sea así

Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ


Yo vivo aqui en Inglaterra, y The Daily Star es una M!erda.

Es PEOR que The Sun


Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

pero vamos a ver...¿¿¿que tiene que ver ella con el asunto para testificar???... que pasa??? que mientras mj "abusaba" de el ella estaba en medio aplaudiendo?? no tendria sentido...
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

Santi :urule:

Del Dayli Star no me creo una mierda ¬_¬

Aunque si llega a ser verdad, después de lo que ha echo Debbie por Michael y si testificara en contra es pa partirle la cara :mmm:

Aunque como habéis dicho, no creo que diga nada malo.

Bea :*)
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

Si Debbie testifica contra Michael se le notará demasiado el amor por el verde de los billetes. No creo que sea tan ingenua.
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

yo nome lo creo,si es un tabloide,no me creo NA,ad+ no creo q tenga nada q decir malo d MJ
R. Friedman: Jacko's Ex-Wife to Auction Wedding Ring on Ebay

Ex-Wife to Auction Wedding Ring
Monday, January 03, 2005
By Roger Friedman

Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Debbie Rowe, the mother of his two oldest children, is putting her wedding ring up for auction.

In fact, I am told by sources close to Rowe that a plan to sell the ring on eBay has emerged and will be executed within the next month — possibly around the time Jackson begins to stand trial on child-molestation charges.

The 2.13-carat diamond ring is described by sources as a brilliant round-cut, but its actual value has not been determined yet. Jackson bought it in Sydney, Australia and gave it to Rowe on Nov. 14, 1996.

A jeweler from Hawaii who asked for anonymity is handling the sale of the ring, along with other pieces of Rowe's jewelry, as she attempts to liquidate some assets. A letter of authenticity from Rowe will accompany the ring.

Rowe, as I reported in the last couple of weeks, is in the middle of a double dispute with Jackson over the terms of their 1999 divorce. The first part of the disagreement concerns visitation rights for Rowe to see the two children she carried for Jackson, Prince and Paris, now ages 7 and 6.

Initially, Rowe had been designated time with them. But she hasn't seen the kids since before the Nov. 2003 police raid on Jackson's Neverland Ranch. As his child-molestation scandal unfolded, Rowe is said to have gone from "publicly ambivalent" about her role with the kids to wanting custody of them.

Rowe's second fight with Jackson has to do with money. According to her divorce agreement, she was receiving $1 million a year every October since 1999.

But this year Jackson refused to send the annual payment, claiming that an interview Rowe gave to "Entertainment Tonight" in which she spoke about her horses and plans to sell her home violated a confidentiality agreement she'd signed with the singer. The result is that Rowe is said to be in debt as she battles Jackson and attempts to run her business.

"Michael is trying to bankrupt her, so she can't continue the fight," a friend of Rowe's told me. :mmm: :mmm:

Rowe's attorney, Iris Finsilver, did not return calls.

Oddly, Jackson doesn't seem to care about the danger in making an enemy of Rowe. This column reported last month that she has been subpoenaed in the child-molestation case by the prosecution.

The decision to sell her wedding ring, I am told, came as Rowe's expenses continued to rise. She recently moved to a farm, where she's raising horses, and is completing college courses. Without Jackson's annual alimony payment, her finances are severely pinched, sources say.

Rowe, I am told, has told friends the ring sale on eBay "is a done deal," which means potential buyers may be able to start bidding on it as soon as this week.

Meantime, updated records at the Los Angeles Superior Court family division indicate that the next hearing in the custody case will take place in February, three days after jury selection is supposed to commence in the child-molestation case.

It's unclear if Jackson's current attorney in that case, Michael Abrams, is still on the case. His name has disappeared from the latest court entry.

The State of California v. Michael Jackson is set to begin on Jan. 31 in Santa Maria, California.
Re: R. Friedman: Jacko's Ex-Wife to Auction Wedding Ring on Ebay

¿En ebay? Friedman cada dia es mas cutre. Si al menos se hubiese inventado que lo subastaba en Cristies :p.
Re: Debbie testificaria en contra de MJ

como sea verdad en vez de estar rubia la voy a poner morena de la somanta ostias ke la voy a dar por perra¡¡¡¡¡¡¡mas vale ke sea mentira:mad:
Re: R. Friedman: Jacko's Ex-Wife to Auction Wedding Ring on Ebay

Pues sí que es cutre, lo de eBay y lo de vender el anillo.
Madre mía, tenía poquísima vergüenza y ahora da motivos al simpático de Friedman para escribir estos artículos....qué espanto