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Entrevista a Lisa Marie Presley

La chica parecia casi una mosquita muerta, pero ahora saca disco y empieza a soltar tacos como una condenada y para promocionar su disco, pues que mejor que rajar de Michael Jackson...

Aqui pongo lo que dice de MJ (copiado y pegado del foro yankee)

Presley knows that the world has never thought about her in quite the same way since her second marriage, her 1994 union with Michael Jackson. She is infuriated by this and by the notion that she wanted anything else out of it other than those things most people hope for in a marriage. "All I did get out of it was a @#%$ storm," she says. "And I got out of it. Now people go, 'You seem somewhat sane, you seem pretty together -- what the hell was that all about?' It put a stigma on me. A 'What the hell was she thinking?' stigma."

She says that Jackson first tried to get in touch with her when she was a teenager. She got a message through her lawyer -- "He wants to meet you; he thinks you're very pretty" -- but she blew it off: "I was completely in love with Danny, and I thought he was weird, and I had no interest in meeting him."

A few years later a friend called and said that Jackson wanted to hear a demo she had made. She wasn't interested in being on his label but was persuaded it would at least be good manners to take the meeting. They were introduced at the friend's house, and that is how it started.

"He was very real with me off the bat. He immediately went into this whole explanation of what he knew people thought of him and what the truth was."

Which was persuasive?

"Yeah. You get sucked into the 'you poor, misunderstood person, you.' I'm a sucker for that. Then we sat down to talk, and he was so not what I thought he was. He was very real -- he was cursing, he was funny, and I was like, 'Wow. . . .' I fell into that 'You have this whole Howard Hughes thing that goes on in the press, and you're not anything like that.' "

But why wouldn't he want people to know that?

"I don't know. I think it worked for him to manipulate that image for a little while. The hyperbaric chamber thing and all that monkey @#%$ and the elephant @#%$. It made him mysterious, and I think he thought that was cool. But then it backfired, like it always does.

"I was always saying, 'People wouldn't think I was so crazy if they saw who the hell you really are: that you sit around and you drink and you curse and you're @#%$ funny, and you have a bad mouth, and you don't have that high voice all the time. I don't know why you think that works for you, because it doesn't anymore.' "

After that first conversation, they were friends who talked. Then the child-abuse accusations surfaced, and Michael Jackson's world exploded. "That whole @#%$ hit the fan," Presley recalls, "and he was quick to call me and tell me what his side of the story was, so it looked like an extortion situation. I believed him, because he was so convincing." She frowns wryly. "I don't know. . . . I just believed everything he said, for some reason. It's very strange, because there's not a lot of people who he'll allow to see who he really is -- there's probably only five or six people, not including kids, who have seen who he really is. But when you do . . . " She smiles. "He didn't get where he is because he's an idiot. You see a real person who's very much the opposite of what he was presenting." Jackson was under attack, and it brought out Presley's protectiveness. "I got into this whole 'I'm going to save you' thing," she says. "I thought all that stuff he was doing -- philanthropy and the children thing and all this stuff -- was awesome, and maybe we could save the world together." She pauses. "OK. Hello. I was delusionary. I got some romantic idea in my head that I could save him and we could save the world."

At this point she was still married, and they were yet to become girlfriend and boyfriend. "He called me a lot," she says. "Confided in me a lot. Which could be very manipulative -- I don't know. I hung out with him more, and I made the mistake of saying I was not happy in my marriage, and the courting started. And I left [my marriage] probably quicker than I would have, and that was probably one of the bigger mistakes of my whole life."

When you say "courting," do you mean as between any boy and girl?

"Yeah. Flowers. Calls. Candies. You name it . . . everything started coming."

I think people are still pretty incredulous at the idea that you had any kind of normal married relationship with him.


But I presume that is the case.

"That is the case. Like I said, I got caught up in this thing of 'it was all a show.' That was my first experience with being accused of that, which was shocking for me."

But, to be clear, is it fair to say that in private you were doing all the things that married people do: kissing, going to bed together, having sex?

"Yeah. That was part of it, for a while. And then it became the Def Con 2. It just got really ugly at the end."

Before that, when it was good, was it your understanding that that was what he wanted?

A pause. "I don't know what he wanted anymore. I know that it looks very timely for him, in retrospect -- the record was coming out, that other @#%$ was happening, and I was too caught up in . . . " She stops, and recasts the thought. "I can tell you my intentions; I can't tell you what his were."

News of their union leaked out slowly -- of a marriage in the Dominican Republic in May 1994, first denied, then confirmed. Their first surreal public appearance was opening the 1994 MTV Video Music Awards, during which -- as they stood center stage -- Jackson kissed her fully on the lips.

"That was not my idea, by the way," she says. "I was terrified. It was his manager's idea. I thought it was stupid. All of a sudden I became part of a PR machine."

It seemed like a blatant gimmick to prove -- to start with -- that he was straight.

"Yeah, but again, I wasn't looking at it like that. See, if I had been, that wouldn't have ever happened."

Even stranger and more astonishing was the interview the married couple gave to Diane Sawyer in 1995, in which Presley steadfastly defended her husband, the genuineness of their relationship and his character.

"I don't recognize who I was then, now, watching it," she says. "I was really in this lioness thing with him -- I wanted to protect him. Naive as all hell. I never thought for a moment that someone like him could actually use me for any reason like that. It never crossed my mind, and I don't know why -- I'm sure it crossed everybody else's."

People are still confused by Michael Jackson's love of a certain kind of relationship with young kids, whether it's totally innocent or not. And you made a huge defense in the Diane Sawyer interview of how you watched him with kids and how it was all totally innocent. Is that what you think on reflection?

"The only thing I can say is that I didn't see anything that would ever allude to that ever. Otherwise I would have been the first one out there going, 'You @#%$.' I've got children. But I never saw anything like that. I meant what I said when I said it, because I didn't see anything weird or bizarre like that ever. And I did notice that he had an amazing connection to kids, whether it be a small baby or a two-year-old girl or a four-year-old -- children really responded to him."

Back then did you ever worry or even think whether there could be any truth in what he was accused of?

"Did I ever worry? Of course I @#%$ worried. Yeah. I did. But I could only come up with what he told me. The only two people that were in the room was him and that kid, so how the hell was I going to know? I could only go off what he told me."

And what do you think now?

She purses her lips. "I don't know. I still don't know. I wasn't there. I never saw anything else that could possibly lead to that. And there's two sides of it. There's the side of the dad. Why would the dad take the @#%$ money? If I had a kid and he was molested, I would @#%$ take that guy and hang him by his balls off a tree and let him sit there and die like that. Nobody could buy me, ever, if my child were molested. @#%$ that. I don't care if I didn't have a penny -- I would take his ass down in front of everybody."

She says, by way of recap, this: "I understand it did affect people's perception of me. That's fine; I understand why. But I did fall in love with him. I can't say what his intentions were, but I can tell you mine was that I absolutely fell in love with him and fell into this whole thing which I'm not proud of now."

Do you rule out that he fell in love with you?

"As much as he can, possibly. I don't know how much he can access love, really. I think as much as he can love somebody he might have loved me. It was always like a mind that was constantly working. It was a scary thing -- somebody who's constantly at work, calculating, calculating, manipulating. And he scared me like that."

Pues ya esta...

Resumiendo dice que, al principio Michael queria conocerla y ella paso. Años mas tarde Michael estaba interesado en una demo de ella (jeje, claro) y ella a pesar de considerarlo un "freak" decidio conocerlo (ibas necesitada eh?).

Lo conocio y dice que no es para nada lo que representa. Que bebe, dice tacos, que es "jodidamente" divertido y que no habla con esa voz...

Que le fue buscando (el a ella) y que a pesar de estar con su marido, empezo a quedar con el (golfa). Y Michael empezo a cortejarla. Lisa Marie se fue enchochando y finalmente se separo.

Estallo el tema de la pederastia y poco despues se casaron. Al principio su relacion iba bien; se besaban y "lo hacian" pero con el tiempo noto como Michael no deseaba esa relacion.

Cuenta que manipula a la perfeccion. Que mientras ella estuvo con el no vio nada raro con los crios, tan solo que tenia una increible conexion con los pequeñajos y que ella entro en el juego de promociones tipo beso en los MTV o entrevista con Diane Sawyer.

Reconoce que ella se enamoro completamente de el y que no sabe si el lo estaba de ella. Que le asusta ver que es un tio que se pasa todo el tiempo calculando y manipulando...
esto huele a q se han peleado... o que michael no quiere nada con ella y está dolida... un culebrón vamos jajjaja michael y lisa de vuelta a la prensa rosa-q asco....
U_U Muy interesante todo lo que ha dicho sobre su nuevo disco... :toma:
No se lo ke pone en la entrevista,pero es bastante tonta en meterse con Mike,un gran cantante reconocido...
Se me hace extraño como ella siempre defiende a mike...
Quiere hacerle daño. Esta chica esta dolida. Ha sido rechazada y hará y dirá lo que sea para devolver el golpe. Creía que tenia más clase.

Muy bueno el comentario de Xtarlight y Mpenziwe.

Hasta pronto.
Segunn una noticia q ojeé en el metro a una mujer q leia el diez Minutos o el Pronto, Lisa Marie se ha vuelto a casar con su primer marido...vamos q como sea cierto acaba de demostrar q ante todo tiene siempre las ideas claras...
No, no es de ningun tabloide...sino de la Rolling Stone...
Sobre lo que piensa de Michael, no se, esta chica ha dicho cosas muy diferentes durante su vida. Eso solo lo sabra ella...
Eso si, es un poco oportunista ahora...:rolleyes:
No se vayan todavia, aun hay mas!!!

Por cierto, se me olvido decirlo, como dice Angel es de la Rolling Stone.

Por si fuera poco todo lo de arriba, Lisa Marie continua hablando de Michael.

When I am sent the lyrics to her new album, there's one more lyric than there are songs on the advance CD. It is called "Disciple," and its remarkable first verse is:

You will flourish in your disciples bringing you pleasureIn so many masturbative waysUntil you've simply no use for them anymoreAnd then they will remain and suffer in your concentrated haze

The first seven songs that spilled out of her in the aftermath of her split with Jackson were all about the same thing, and "Disciple" was the one that summed it all up the best.

Everyone around you, they're sick, they're on medication or they willFinally lose their mindsBut they will always defend you and justify your insanity like I didBecause you make them blind

"I'm not into Michael-bashing at all," she says, when I discuss the song with her. "I have no interest in doing that. He is who he is. I know people want to know what that was about, and I'm trying to say it without making him a bad guy, you know. . . . It's hard to do, because it was such a bad situation and it was so @#%$ up."

It wasn't too long after the Diane Sawyer interview that things started going wrong. "We were really on shaky ground," she says. "There would be periods of time where I had no idea where he was -- only by the press. He would just disappear." The final media spectacle documenting their union's disintegration was the 1995 MTV Video Music Awards. She was in the audience; he was singing a medley of his greatest moments onstage.

"I was glaring at him," she says. "That was a pretty infamous moment."

Why were you glaring at him?

"Because I hadn't seen him, or heard from him, in six weeks. He got upset and he would just disappear." She says that after about a month without any contact, his people started calling, saying that it was important that she show up at the MTV Video Music Awards. She agreed to show up if she didn't have to go down the red carpet; they consented, then led her down it anyway. "I was pissed. I just felt like I was being used at that point." She was then told that he was going to sing to her and that he had a surprise for her. "I remember my whole look was: 'Don't you come anywhere @#%$ near me -- we haven't spoken in a month.' And he got it. He didn't come over. I talked to him later and he said, 'I saw the look on your face, and I knew that if I walked up to you, I didn't know what you were going to do me.' " (Weirdly, this performance -- glare and all -- would later be included on Michael Jackson's video collection History on Film.)

There were other fault lines opening. Jackson had asked her never to speak about him, and she felt he was taking liberties, particularly in a TV Guide story at the time. "He was quoting me, 'Lisa Marie told me Elvis had a nose job,' which is absolute bullshit," she says. "I think it justified something in his mind -- they were asking him about his plastic surgery. I read that, and I threw it across the kitchen. 'I told you what?' "

How did it come to a head?

"I'd had enough. That's all."

You pulled the plug?

"Yes. I told him I wanted a divorce. Then he didn't talk to me for a couple of weeks."

Like everybody else, she saw Martin Bashir's interview with Michael Jackson. "I watched it and cringed," she says. "I had the same reaction everybody else had -- it was like watching a train wreck. It seemed like it was overly cruel -- the guy [Bashir] had his agenda and was after him. I don't make a habit of feeling bad for that guy [Jackson], because he kind of likes to push that sympathy button sometimes, and I don't really go for it anymore, but that time I did. I was, 'Oh, no, you really just got screwed.' It honestly looked to me like, it would be like somebody walking into a convalescent home and just antagonizing someone and having it on film the whole time."

En esta segunda parte, la buena de Lisa Marie es preguntada por ciertas partes de letras en sus canciones, en las que claramente habla de Michael. Ella dice que no esta interesada en meterse con el (claro), que hay gente que quiere saber como es y que ella intenta explicarlo sin hacerle parecer una mala persona (ja ja ja ja ja).

Cuenta que a partir de la entrevista con Diane Sawyer, las cosas empezaron a ir fatal. Que no sabia donde estaba Michael, que se enteraba por la prensa y que antes de los MTV Awards llevaba 6 semanas sin verlo ni hablar con el, por eso su careto cuando la enfocan mientras MJ cantaba el You Are Not Alone. Despues de eso ella le pidio el divorcio y el dejo de hablarle.

Dice que Michael empezo a decir cosas que ella le habia dicho (o decia haberlas dicho) en entrevistas, que no eran verdad, por eso ella se canso y ahora esta hablando. A pesar de que Michael le pidio que no hablara de el.
yyyyyyyyy de verdad dijo eso .y ami tam bien que me cae lisa marie incluso me quiero comprar su disco bueno yo creo que se va arrepentir por que estoy segura que quiere a nuestro rey todavia y alomejor mike le iso algo y esta dolida simplemente .bueno ojala se pongan en la buena
¿Y todavía hay fans que se preguntan porqué Michael tuvo hijos con una mujer que no es famosa y alejada de los cánones de belleza? Cualquiera aguanta a la camionera esta...
Escrito originalmente por Xtarlight y Mpenziwe
¿Y todavía hay fans que se preguntan porqué Michael tuvo hijos con una mujer que no es famosa y alejada de los cánones de belleza? Cualquiera aguanta a la camionera esta...

Hombre, mirandolo asi....:meparto:

Pero fisicamente, Lisa Marie es otra cosa eh?? Imaginaros los hijos de MIchael y Lisa cuando dijeran: "Mi abuelo es Elvis Presley y mi padre MIchael Jackson":eek: :eek: :eek: :meparto: ;)

Que afortunado seria eh? Increible...solo faltaria que estuviera apadrinado por un Beatle o algo asi...:p
El mundo esta lleno de gente envidiosa, creo que la tia esta (aparte de que me cae fatal) es un poco envidiosilla, y creo q esta un poco amargada porque no pudo tener hijos con Mj, lo lei en una entrevista y decia: "Me gustaria mucho haber tenido hijos con Michael Jackson" en fin......

I L :enamoradoVE MICHAEL!!!
:( :( :( vaya, a mi me da pena, porque me encanta lisa marie.....y pense que se levaba mejor con michael....o que le guardaba mas cariño....:(

aunque dentro de lo posible no dijo nada malo, es bueno que ella diga, por ejemplo, que nunca vio nada extraño entre michael y los niños mientras vivio con el...

lo que me da risa es lo malhablada que es 8Ð , se me hace muy poco ''polite'' para decir las cosas ....por lo menos dice que si estuvo enamorada de michael, lo cual no deja de ser importante ;)
¿Puede alguien resumir lo malo que dice de Michael? A estas horas de la madrugada (2:33) no tengo ganas de leer ingles y traducir... :p :eek: