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Fotos de la fiesta en Neverland =)

Algunos de los asistentes fueron:
Serena Williams
Rodney Jerkins
Ryan Seacrest
Darryl Strawberry
Jackie Stallone (madre de Sly)
MC Hammer
Mark McGrath
Lionel Richie
Mario Van Peebles
Chris Tucker
Bobby Taylor
Mark Geragos
Leonard Muhammad
Tommy Davidson
Andrae Crouch choir
Tisha Campbell
Janet Jackson
Jermaine Dupri
LaToya Jackson
Jermaine Jackson
Randy Jackson
Tito Jackson
Marlon Jackson
Reebe Jackson

Los que no asistieron:
Liz Taylor
Liza Minnelli
Macaulay Culkin
Prince, Paris y Blanket

(fuente: FOX News)
Última edición:

La limo en la que iba Michael :D

Noticia de la CNN

(CNN) -- Michael Jackson is "fighting mad" about the allegations surrounding the multiple charges of child molestation he is facing, his spokesman told reporters Saturday.

"He's doing fantastic. He's doing well. He's holding up fine," Stuart Backerman said at a news conference outside the pop superstar's Neverland ranch in California. "He's clearly fighting mad regarding the allegations."

Backerman spoke before a gathering at the ranch of several hundred family members, friends and fans, who he said were there not to celebrate, but to show their support for Jackson.

"This is what friends are all about, what friends often do, and that is come to the aid of, and support, and sorry to be so mushy, but give love, to people who are ... in somewhat difficult times," Backerman said.

Speaking to The Associated Press on Friday, Backerman described the event at the ranch, about 100 miles north of Los Angeles, as a homecoming. The entertainer has been in Las Vegas and various undisclosed locations since surrendering to authorities last month and being released on $3 million bail, the AP reported.

Jackson was charged Thursday with seven counts of engaging in lewd or lascivious acts involving a child under 14 and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent to the youth.

Jackson publicist Kevin McLin said Saturday that about 600 guests were expected at Neverland. Backerman said the guest list includes celebrities and what he called "longtime fans who have become friends," including many from nearby the ranch.

Musician Edwin Birdsong told the Associated Press that Jackson was reticent but smiling. "He just said 'Hi,' and smiled," Birdsong said. "It was very festive and happy."

Speaking to the Associated Press, actor David McKnight described the event as "a lot of food, a lot of eating, and a lot of celebration, camaraderie, holding hands, cheering and praising Michael Jackson." Another guest told the AP that Jermaine Jackson performed a song and Michael Jackson appeared "relaxed."

McLin also announced that a Web site had been set up as a forum for Jackson's fans. The site (http://www.MJNetworks.com/) contains a form where comments may be written for posting.

"This was in essence ... a function of the fans wanting to show their support and love," Backerman said.

The fan Web site echoes a site set up in November (http://www.MJNews.us/) that contains official statements put out on Jackson's behalf.

Backerman said the celebrities include musician MC Hammer, tennis star Serena Williams and "American Idol" host Ryan Seacrest, as well as LaToya Jackson and other members of Michael Jackson's family.

Backerman said he couldn't comment on whether Jackson's children -- Prince Michael I, Paris and Prince Michael II -- were attending the gathering.

With Jackson's arraignment scheduled for January 16, legal experts told the AP that the pop star would do well to try to stay out of the headlines. Jackson's plans for the coming weeks may help him do that. He is heading for England to fulfill contractual obligations, his lawyer has said.
Noticia de la FOX News

It was an odd but supportive crowd of 600 that turned out Saturday to salute Michael Jackson in his time of need.

Among the crowd was his sister, superstar performer Janet Jackson, who came with her on-again, off again fiancée Jermaine Dupri, according to my sources. All the other Jackson siblings and their children were present as well, including LaToya, Jermaine, Randy, Tito, Marlon, and Reebe.

Celebrities were rushed through the Neverland gates in limos with darkened glass. Tennis star Serena Williams, record producer Rodney Jerkins, "American Idol" host Ryan Seacrest, baseball great Darryl Strawberry, Jackie Stallone (Sly’s mom) and her daughter, hip-hop star MC Hammer, Sugar Ray singer Mark McGrath, Lionel Richie, Mario Van Peebles, comic actor Chris Tucker, and singing brothers Aaron and Nick Carter all greeted Jackson, who was wearing a knee-length blue sequined jacket and black slacks.

Bobby Taylor, the Motown executive who discovered the Jackson 5 with Gladys Knight back in the late 60s, was also spotted, as was Jackson’s attorney in his child molestation case, Mark Geragos.

There was no sign of Jackson’s usual suspect best friends Liz Taylor, Liza Minnelli, or Macaulay Culkin. Also absent were Jackson’s children Prince, Paris, and “Blanket,” as well as Debbie Rowe, the mother of the first two, and Jackson’s recent managers Dieter Wiesner and Ronald Konitzer.

My sources said that Jackson did spend a big part of the dinner segment of the evening chatting with an unidentified dwarf.

Prominently displayed outside for all to see was a mural of Jackson with children surrounding him as if he were the Pied Piper.

More importantly, Nation of Islam Chief of Staff Leonard Muhammad was present and stuck to Jackson whether he liked it or not. Jackson seemed uncomfortable about the situation. "He tried to ditch Leonard several times by going over and having conversations with his family. Leonard would watch and wait until Michael was finished, then hook right back up with him."

After hours of buffet dining in a huge tent set up in a field, Jackson’s guests — including “lots and lots of children” — were treated to some musical performances and testimonials. Comedian Tommy Davidson emceed the show that included a performance by the Andrae Crouch choir, actress Tisha Campbell reading a poem about Jackson, and symphonic music by the Neverland Orchestra.

The talk all day, I am told, was kept light. “There was no discussion of Michael’s legal situation or the case,” my sources say. The only possible reference to the case was the presence of Santa Barbara attorney Gary Dunlop, who’s suing District Attorney Tom Sneddon for $10 million. Camera crews filmed personal testimonials from many of the guests, who spent their day on the Neverland ferris wheel and other rides. Jackson’s music played in the background on a sound system all over the ranch.

The day ended with a candlelight vigil, and the whole crowd singing along to Jackson’s song, “You Are Not Alone.”
Gracias Albaswet, en el video de A3n ase puede ver a gente saltando en la colchneta :D Espero que hoy lo repitan en las noticias de la noche ;)
:lol: Segun Friedman el lider de 'Nacion del Islam' le estuvo dando la vara toda la fiesta, y Michael intentaba sacarselo de encima hablando con su familia :meparto:

Me lo estoy imaginando...

MJ: Veeenga vaa vaa Q cansiiinooo eres... :lol:
El publicista Kevin McLin y el portavoz oficial de Michael Jackson, Stuart Backerman dan una conferencia en las puertas de Neverland.



Stuart Backerman :D ;)
Última edición:
Wow :eek: Vaya sueño poder estar ahí y ver a MJ y apoyarle en estos días :)

Gera, :urule: nos alegramos de que pudieras entrar, espero que lo cuentes todo con detalle :D

Electrica, estar en las puertas de Neverland es un privilegio que muchos fans nunca llegarán a experimentar, no llores por no haber entrado, la vida es muy larga y está llena de sorpresas ;)
He Sylvia wapetona...no te preocupes sino pudiste entrar...mira q muchos ni siquiera pudimos ir...lo importante es q Michael se dio cuenta de toda la gente que estaba alli para apoyarle ;)...y queremos ese relato eh...:D
Por lo que dicen algunos fans que consiguieron entrar, MJ llevaba una camisa de seda azul larga (por fuera del pantalón) un medallón colgado :cuñao pantalón negro y botas brillantes parecidas a las que lleva últimamente. El pelo largo y liso y gafas de piloto. Al final de la noche se puso una chaqueta negra con brazalete rojo porque hacía mucho frio.

Lo más importante es que se le veía muy felíz y con una gran sonrisa. Estuvo hablando con los fans aunque siempre estaba rodeado de mucha gente :p

Dijo "Gracias, os quiero y gracias por venir, buenas noches" :muac:

Silvia, animo, otra vez sera.

Lo que me ha estrañado es lo que dice Gera de que Michael estuvo un suspiro en el escenario.
Gracias por las fotos alba :)

Hey que ya quiero ver tu relato Gera :mareao: y también la experiencia que vivió Silvia :)

Y Silvia como dice Xtar eres muy afortunada de haber estado fuera de Neverland :)..someday estarás dentro :) .

Sobre el look de Michael ya me lo imagino
,si tan solo hubiera una foto con esa chaqueta negra con el brazalete rojo :amores:

Me imagino que sobraron los : I Love You
,I Love You Too
de parte de EL
Gracias a todos por vuestros animos, eso mismo me dice mi marido, el queria que yo me sintiera contenta que al menos estuve en la puerta. :lloratris Asi que me conformare, y con los fans que estuve, la prensa y las camisetas que coji.
Como ya dije, pasaron muchas anecdotas en mi pequeno viaje, que pondre en un post, entre ellas la mejor, que el coche que venia delante del nuestro durante media hora era el coche donde iba Michael!!!!!!! :buaaah: Y me puse a llorar.
Lo contare todo en un post.
Hey Sylvia, no te nos pongas tristes, fuiste muy afortunada en poder estar frente a las puertas de Neverland, que mas daria yo que aunquesea estar en las puertas de Neverland :buaaah: espero que algun dia pueda ir :), mas bien podamos asistir todos para demostrarle nuestro apoyo a Mike siempre y esta vez si dejen pasar :p, me alego mucho por ti amigocha :muac: y tal vez Mike te habra visto rondando por ahi y se quedo asi :babilla: :amores: al verte :p jejejeje
Elektrica no estés triste, el hecho de haber estado allí es algo muy importante, y además cogiste camisetas y hablaste con la prensa! ;). Me alegro un montón por los que pudieron entar en Neverland, qué envidia me dan...
ANIMO SILVIA!!!!!!! wapa tu piensa q al estar alli ya apoyaste a Mike, mientras mas gente alli apoyando mejor. Es normal q te de rabia no poder entrar xo ya veras como la proxima vez lo consigues.....:muac:
Hola. ¿Alguien sabe si los niño de Michael están con él? ¿Estaban en la fiesta? ¿Están en Neverland?

Es que me resulta raro que no los nombre nadie, y me gustaria confirmar que siguen con Michael

Un saludo.

Óliver Ramos.-