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HIStory Tour September 7, 1996 Prague, Czech Republic

Una pregunta por aquí mencionaron que Praga fue grabado con muchas cámaras como Bucarest 92,Yokohama 87 wembley 92, Múnich 92 y Múnich 97, el argumento por que fueron 125.000 personas, hay pruebas de ello ? o solo es suposición?
Última edición:
It’d be awesome if the mj estate released Queen live at knebworth or prince live in Atlanta 2016 for whatever this September project is
U put this emoji and people started to ask u things like: where did you take it from, that what u said? I don't understand either... at least of course it is just a joke.
Understand. What I meant by emoji is that I don't understand the other fan that is here, he asks questions and doesn't make the slightest effort to research any topic, he just asks for the "source". It's tiring, the guy clearly doesn't know any information and keeps questioning the other fans, even official information he doesn't know. I can only cry.
Pues sí, casi todas-no he puesto todas pero fijo que van por el mismo tono-son comments a la fotico de MJ de arriba, o sea, nada q ver con lo que aquí interesa.