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Janet Jackson - "20 Y.O."

A mi me da que enjoy la han filtrado ellos mismos a la web esa, que parece que se encarga de promocionar caras b y ese tipo de canciones, por lo que en mejor calidad no saldrá hasta que se filtre el disco entero, que supongo será unos dias antes del 26. Asi crean un poquito de expectación, contentan a los ue no estamos muy convencidos del sonido made in dupry de los dos primeros singles y tampoco pierden tanto porque no es de muy buena calidad el audio.
Orbitt dijo:
- En Amazon ya se puede pre-ordenar la edición especial del álbum, que contendrá esto un DVD con esto:

1. Photo Shoot
2. In the Studio
3. Dancer Auditions
4. Making of Call on Me: The Video

Este es un cd, dvd (dual disc), o es el cd mas un dvd, no me queda claro, y en que fecha saldra?, igual el 26 de septiembre o no?:confused:
Supongo que será un CD+DVD y saldrá según leo en Amazon el 2 de octubre.

Y mirando en Amazon me he dado cuenta de que parece que la portada definitiva será la que anuncio Virgin Alemania:

Billboard: Janet Ready To Dance Again On New Album

Janet Jackson conceived her new album, "20 Y.O.," as a celebration of the joyful liberation and history-making musical style of her 1986 breakthrough album, "Control." That musical declaration of independence launched a string of hits, an indelible production sound and an enduring image cemented by groundbreaking video choreography and imagery that pop vocalists still emulate.

For the new album, Jackson reunited with producers Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis and was joined by her boyfriend, Jermaine Dupri, to craft a musical reflection of who she is today and how the artistic promise of "Control" has been fulfilled some two decades later.

"This album takes me to a place where I haven't been in a while: R&B and dance," Jackson tells Billboard. "I give that credit to Jermaine. I like to say he brought the country to the album, while he says he brought the ghetto [laughs].

"But the dance element was the one thing I was adamant about having," she continues. "The album also features samples from music that inspired me 20, 25 years ago. There are also some midtempo songs and some of what everyone calls my 'baby-making songs.' Basically, the album is everything that's always been a part of me, but with freshness to it."

In addition to lead single "Call on Me" featuring Nelly, the album also features "Show Me," which Jam calls a "happy record," "With You," which Dupri calls a bona fide smash, "So Excited," a sexy fantasy called "My Body" and "Get It Out Me."

"It was really a collaborative effort, and that's what made it so nice," Jackson says. "Jermaine would run into the studio and talk about the songs Jimmy and Terry had done on someone's album. Then Jimmy would start playing the song, and Jermaine would say, 'You know what? Let's do something kind of along those lines as a base.' He understood them, he understood me and vice versa."
Yo creo que al final el álbum no será tan malo. Si merece la pena haberse comprado los dos últimos, os merecerá la pena compraros este.

Para mi, quitando Call On Me que es una cagada, So Excited esta bien y Enjoy también, asi que no soy tan negativo ahora. El disco me molará aunque sea poco.
Orbitt dijo:
Yo creo que al final el álbum no será tan malo. Si merece la pena haberse comprado los dos últimos, os merecerá la pena compraros este.

Para mi, quitando Call On Me que es una cagada, So Excited esta bien y Enjoy también, asi que no soy tan negativo ahora. El disco me molará aunque sea poco.

Pienso lo mismo, es mas cada dia me gusta mas la de So Excited, la noto distinta aunque para muchos sea la misma mierda que se lleva hoy dia, la veo original y ese final me encanta. Con un buen video volvera a lo mas alto en USA y si no tiempo al tiempo.
si es que so excited tenia que haber sido primer single, con un video rompedor...

porque en sus ultimos discos no esta la frescura del janet. o incluso si me apuras, del velvet rope, ese disco tan intimo y maduro???

el all for you para mi es el peor. damita jo está normal, pero para ella es un gran batacazo...

pero weno, mirar el lado positivo. en sus dos ultimos discos, lo unico que buscaba era despelotarse en la portada. en el AFY sale solo cn la sabana, en el DJ ni siquiera eso, sale de espaldas, tapandose solo cn las manos... y en esta portada del 20 Y.O. no sale en pelotas!!!! es un avance, no??

PD: alguien puede ponerme el link para oir la de enjoy?
a mi me gustan bastante so excited y call on me,(enjoy no la he escuchado aun)pero estoy bastante deacuerdo en muchas cosas q habeis dicho,como que antes estaba como mas implicada en sus proyectos,que tenian un mensaje mas personal,una pena que ahora no......
Última edición:
Calendario para el 26 de septiembre (lanzamiento de 20 Y.O)

- Por la mañana actuación en Today Show (mini concierto)

- Por la tarde (3PM) se emite el programa de Oprah que se grabará el 7 de septiembre.

- Más tarde, Janet estará en la Virgin Megastore


Por otro lado:

- JD ha dicho que se pondrá una limitada venta al por menor de COM para hacer que la song sea #1 en R&B Chart.

(JD said that he's putting a limited "Call On Me" retail release out to see if it makes Janet to #1 in the R&B charts)
Cuando iba a estar con Oprah ? ;ayer no ? Edit* Es el pròximo 7 xD .

Porcierto me ha llegado un email y leì en otra parte que podrìa empezar su pròxima gira en marzo del 2007 :baila: .

Aqui pongo la noticia sobre lo de la gira :

Janet Jackson planning for 2007 tour

By Ray Waddell
NASHVILLE (Billboard) - Although she has only a handful of national treks under her belt, Janet Jackson is one of the most successful female touring artists of all time.
Numbers back it up. Between 1993 and 2002 (when she last toured), Jackson grossed $94 million and sold nearly 2 million tickets to just 161 shows reported to Billboard Boxscore. So as Jackson prepares for the September 26 release of her new Virgin Records album "20 Y.O.," marking the 20th anniversary of her landmark "Control" record, fans can look forward to her return to the road around March 2007.

"My three choreographers and I are working on ideas now for a world tour," Jackson says. "It's always a visual thing for me as we start planning; I can see it on the stage. I don't want to share those ideas yet, because nothing is etched in stone. But we'll begin rehearsing at the end of the year."
Jackson's concert fan base is primarily a "white, suburban audience," according to Brad Wavra, touring VP at concert promoter Live Nation, which handled her 1998-99 Velvet Rope tour and 2001-2002 All for You tour.
Still, he says, the audience crosses racial lines.
"Everything we ever did with her was strategically planned to be promoted on both sides of the equation, pop and urban." According to Wavra, Jackson "always understood that the African-American part of her life and her audience was an important part, and she made sure her songs, her live show and her ticket prices appealed to both segments."

Wavra thinks the upcoming Jackson tour will be "wildly successful," despite negative publicity surrounding the Super Bowl flap of 2004, when she revealed her breast during a performance with Justin Timberlake.
"I think that Janet got a bum rap," he says. "She's the antithesis of that person that was created in the media. If it hadn't been an election year I doubt it would have gotten played like it did."
Última edición:
- Janet en la portada del billboard Magazine:


Dentro viene el articulo que puse hace dos días.

Orbitt dijo:
- JD ha dicho que se pondrá una limitada venta al por menor de COM para hacer que la song sea #1 en R&B Chart.


Viene las canciones del promo single:

Album Mix 3:29
Extended Album Mix 5:08
Album Instrumental 3:28
Janet no está preparada para hablar de Justin

When Chicago radio station Power 92 asked Janet when the last time she spoke to JT was, the salacious singer responded in her signature whisper: "I haven't spoken to him since all that drama." That drama would be when he ripped Janet's shirt open onstage during a Superbowl half-time performance that introduced the phrase "wardrobe malfunction" into our lives. "He has tried to reach out but I'm just not ready right now to talk," she revealed.

Habla de Michael a Q Magazine

Janet's Not-So-Sexy Back
You know what else is unfair? That Janet was traumatized by her brother Michael Jackson, who called her "fat butt" as a teen. He would show her pictures in magazines of ideal tushes, no doubt in between admiring the noses. "He was such a happy kid, but then when he became a teenager he got issues," she tells England's Q Magazine. "That's when he became an introvert and projected all that onto me." Should we be concerned that Michael thought "fat butt" was an awesome insult as a teenager? Maybe these are the issues Janet is referring to.

Janet engordó para rodar "Tennessee"

I'm Not Fat, I'm Starring in "Tennessee"
Anyway, Janet is totally not a "fat butt" anymore after dropping 60-some pounds (I swear that number keeps going up). She said she had gained the weight for a part in a movie called Tennessee, but then the role went to Mariah Carey. Is this phantom movie the new hip excuse to gain weight? Maybe I'll star in Tennessee too.
JD y Jimmy Jam hablan con Reuters acerca del nuevo álbum

Janet Jackson pays tribute to breakthrough disc

Fri Sep 1, 2006 11:51 PM BST
By Janine Coveney

LOS ANGELES (Billboard) - Don't call it a comeback. Janet Jackson conceived her new Virgin Records release, "20 Y.O." (due September 26), as a celebration of the joyful liberation and history-making musical style of her 1986 breakthrough album, "Control." That album has shipped more than five million copies in the United States, according to the Recording Industry Assn. of America. (Her most recent album, 2004's "Damita Jo," shipped a million copies, according to the trade group.)

Jackson's musical declaration of independence launched a string of hits, an indelible production sound and an enduring image cemented by groundbreaking video choreography and imagery that pop vocalists still emulate.

On "20 Y.O.," Jackson reunited with Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis and was joined by Jermaine Dupri to craft a musical reflection of who she is today and how the artistic promise of "Control" has been fulfilled some two decades later.

Creating a project with such lofty goals was a relatively smooth process, Jam and Dupri say. Conversations that began before Christmas 2005 between Jackson and the producers narrowed down the theme early, and songwriting and recording began in earnest in February.

The discussion turned to how Jackson was feeling at the time "Control" was recorded (when, incidentally, Dupri was just 13).

"I started asking questions like, 'What was the feeling of life when you were 20?' I was so intrigued with what was going on in her life then that I just thought her album should be called that," Dupri says.

Jam adds, "It made sense as a concept because, obviously, the 20 years since the 'Control' album, but it also means -- for her -- a sense of rejuvenation. A sense of that excitement that you have when you are 20 years old, when your life is beginning and you're striking out on your own. She has that same sense of hunger and excitement."

For Jackson, recruiting Jam & Lewis was a no-brainer. Working creatively with her boyfriend Dupri, who is not only a distinct hitmaker in his own right but also president of Virgin's urban music division, was more of a risk. Although they have been together for five years, during which time Dupri crafted Mariah Carey's comeback project "The Emancipation of Mimi," the couple had never collaborated professionally.

"I didn't know how we would jell, if we were gonna get in an argument," notes Dupri, who admits that he can be a bit ruthless in the studio. "I didn't even want to walk down that path with her, because we're such good friends. I never wanted this business part to get between us."

Rather than contribute separate tracks for "20 Y.O.," Dupri and the Jam & Lewis team decided to collaborate. The process could have caused ego and procedural conflicts. But Jam & Lewis give high marks to Dupri, who Jam says knows more about the Jam & Lewis style than the Minneapolis-bred moguls themselves.

"The great thing about working with Jermaine, he came in with total respect for us, we had total respect for him," Jam says. "The fact is that we were fans of each other and for Janet."

The entire team of Jackson, Jam, Lewis and Dupri created the tracks, with occasional contributions from songwriter Johnta Austin. The project was recorded chiefly at Jam & Lewis' Flyte Tyme Studios in Los Angeles and Dupri's Southside Studio complex in Atlanta, with some sections undertaken at Village Recorder in L.A. and the Hit Factory in Miami.

All the parties note that Jackson is an extremely focussed in the studio. "She's one of those you literally have to kick out the studio. She'll never tell you her voice is getting tired, she'll just work and work," says Jam.

The first single, "Call on Me," pairs Jackson with St. Louis rapper Nelly, with a video directed by Hype Williams. Dupri notes that other than her 1998 outing singing hooks on Busta Rhymes' "What's It Gonna Be," Jackson had not worked with any contemporary hip-hop artists.

"If Janet had just come out, people wouldn't be asking that question. Of course she don't need Nelly, but in today's market, half the kids watching (BET music show) '106th & Park' don't even know what 'Control' sounds like."

While "20 Y.O." celebrates "Control," the album does not reference songs from that project. Instead, there are subtle cues that hark back to the 1986 smash. "There are little pieces of ear candy in almost all of the songs that references something over the past 20 years, but you really have to be a fan or someone who had listened to a lot of her music to recognise it," Jam says.

Jam & Lewis also left behind one of their signatures: building new songs from the rhythm beds of classics, as they did using Sly Stone's "Thankyoufalettinmebemicel***in" for "Rhythm Nation" and Change's "Glow of Love" for "All for You."

Lyrically Jackson examines her life today, with upbeat grooves, sexy ballads and a positive outlook.

"It's a lyrically confident album," Jam notes. "She talks about a whole lot of different subjects, but it's not anything heavy. It's not (1989 album) 'Rhythm Nation,' it's not (1997's) 'Velvet Rope,' there's no pain, no bitterness, no suffering. It's more confident woman lyrics."

Other tracks from the set include "Show Me," which Jam calls a "happy record"; "With You," which Dupri calls a bona fide smash; "So Excited"; a sexy fantasy called "My Body"; and "Get It Out Me."

Key to the project is reconnecting Jackson with her urban base without losing the strong core of pop and dance fans she has built during the last two decades.

"Times have changed from when (elder brother) Michael (Jackson) and Janet were out in the '80s," Dupri notes, pointing to the fact that urban artists no longer have to cross over to pop before achieving maximum exposure and sales. "Janet shouldn't be changing or trying to change to get on pop radio."

Por si alguien todavia no la tiene: Janet Jackson - Enjoy (128 KBit)

Letra de "Enjoy":

verse 1
Wake up silly head
bout time we do it again
sunshine today
i'm glad i made plans
cause it rained yesterday
but that was okay
can't complain
i love it either way

living everyday like it's my last
i refuse to be stuck in the past
people actin' like machines
cause they're scared to live their dreams
No not me

I just enjoy and celebrate
enjoy the love we make
enjoy, appreciate
just keep on doing it
till my hearts content
and enjoy when someone smiles
so just enjoy the simple things
enjoy what the world brings
enjoy the summer seas
just keep on doing it
till your hearts content
and enjoy the gift of life

verse 2
if you wanna find the paradise
do it now never too late to try
lose your inhibitions
let your inspiration set you free


and the people say
enjoy la la la la la...