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Re: Michael jackson hospitalizado de urgencia

Señores, confirmado...Michael Jackson a muerto en el hospital de UCLA en los Angeles... no tengo palabras
Re: Michael jackson hospitalizado de urgencia

en cnn internacional dicen que no esta totalemnte confirmado pero su familia esta llegando al hospital, janet esta en londres!!???
Re: Michael jackson hospitalizado de urgencia

no hay nada confirmado!!! me niego a creer q mike a muerto hasta que salga alguien de su familia o su manager afirmandolo...no me niego!!!!!
Re: Michael jackson hospitalizado de urgencia

recemos todos y esperemos que no haya sufrido si ha muerto...... nose que decir a parte de que estoy destrozado.... y que lo siento muchisimo, espero que no haya muerto y que salga adelante, ya no por el concierto si por su vida... que se va hacer
Re: Michael jackson hospitalizado de urgencia

Yo tambien hacía mucho tiempo que no me pasaba por aqui, y hoy estoy aqui para estar con vosotros y solo esperando que no se haya ido para siempre.
Re: Michael jackson hospitalizado de urgencia

No quiero creeerrrrrrrrrr!dios porfavorrrr ayuda al dios d ela musica porfavorrr....estoy destrosadoo porfavor no agais estoo!!:(
Re: Michael jackson hospitalizado de urgencia

June 25, 2009, 5:41 PM
Reports: Michael Jackson Is Dead

Joel Ryan/Associated Press
This post is written by Brooks Barnes in Los Angeles and Ben Sisario and Brian Stelter in New York.

Music Memorials | 6:38 p.m. Expect a number of Jackson music marathons in the days to come. According to our colleague Stuart Elliott: WCBS-FM, the oldies station in New York, is broadcasting some of Mr. Jackson’s greatest hits. The station said it would have special programming later in the day.

Mr. Jackson was one of the icons of MTV’s early days in the 1980’s. Our colleague Steve Reddicliffe says that the music channel is now playing the music videos for “Beat It” and “Thriller,” accompanied by a “breaking news” graphic on the screen about the singer’s death.

Update | 6:37 p.m. The Associated Press is reporting that Mr. Jackson is dead.

Reaction | 6:37 p.m. Television news images showed large crowds gathering outside the UCLA Medical Center. “People are already showing up in costume, believe it or not,” said a Fox News correspondent, Trace Gallagher, comparing it to the circus he witnessed during a trial involving Mr. Jackson.

More Reports | 6:29 p.m. “A lot will be said about Michael Jackson as we learn more about this story,” Brian Williams said on the “NBC Nightly News.”

“He was incredibly talented, a child star who was an adult with deep troubles and physical and mental health issues.”

The reports of Mr. Jackson’s death ricocheted around the world with remarkable speed. The news led Friday morning newscasts in Japan.

CBS and ABC are also reporting the news, standing on their own reporting now.

L.A. Times Reports Jackson Is Dead | 6:24 p.m. The newspaper cited “city and law enforcement sources.” The networks and CNN are also broadcasting the news, citing the Times story.

Reports: Jackson in a Coma | 6:15 p.m. Several news organizations including the Los Angeles Times reported that Mr. Jackson “is in a coma.” The newspaper attributed the news to one law enforcement source. CNN is also citing “multiple sources” as saying that Mr. Jackson is in a coma.

Update | 6:11 p.m. LOS ANGELES – An unconscious Michael Jackson was rushed to UCLA Medical Center on Thursday afternoon by paramedics who performed C.P.R., according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.
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