Created: Tuesday, 05 April 2005
The end of a tremendous weekend of whirlwind fan events couldn’t have ended more perfectly!
Just after MJ Fan Club’s Weekend Rally (“MANY NATIONS… ONE VOICE” - organized by Deborah Dannelly), which included a personal phone call from Michael (pictures and stories coming!!), was winding down… and another group of fans had gathered 2000 roses sent by fans from everywhere across the globe (pictures and stories coming!!)… I arrived at the Neverland gates. Here, these thousands of roses were beautifully displayed by the fans in baskets honoring all of the emotions we have displayed and felt in these challenging times, welcoming Michael home at the end of the day.
In all my years with Michael I have never witnessed such loyalty, honor and love than I have this weekend.
Fans came from all over the world in support of Michael, the man we have rightfully stood beside during this horrifying injustice. Michael, in recognition of the loyalty and hard work of all his fans opened the gates to every one who was outside. It was as much of surprise to me as it was to everyone else.
After doing the usual organizing of the magical moment, I was asked to lead the parade through the famous Neverland gilded gates. The fans, exploding with questions, could barely contain their excitement as the grounds revealed its wonders of beautiful 200-year-old trees, fountains, sculptures and the tranquil sound of classical music vibrating throughout the acreage.
As we neared Michael’s home, Mr. Joseph Jackson summoned the crowd into Michael’s front door. The fans slowly entered with respect and awe as Michael and his three lovely children greeted their guests.
There is just so much to behold for those who are lucky to glimpse the inside of Michael’s home. Everyone took full advantage of the moment to thank the Jackson family and to look at the extensive family photo collection and art that adorns every part of his home.
Then everyone was invited to explore the backyard and game room. I spent at least 45 minutes sharing many heartfelt moments with everyone, before Michael brought out a box set for every visitor. Joseph was a lovely host as he handed out the CD’s and visited with everyone. As the sun was setting it was time to go.
Everyone slowly made there way back to their cars and shared their stories of the day’s fortune. It was such a beautiful moment… we will never forget.
Thank you, Michael…for letting us dance.
By Karen Faye
El fin de un fin de samana de torbellinos de eventos de fans no pudo haber terminado mejor!
Justo despues del Rally del fin de semana de club de fans de MJ ("VARIAS NACIONES...UNA VOZ" - Organizado por Deborah Dannelly), el cual incluyo una llamada personal por Michael, Just after MJ Fan Club’s Weekend Rally (“MANY NATIONS… ONE VOICE” - organized by Deborah Dannelly), y un grupo de fans reunio 2000 rosas enviadas por fans de todo el mundo...Llegue a las puertas de Neverland. Aqui, estas rosas fueron hermosamente acomodadas por los fans en canastas honorando todas las emociones que que hemos sentido en estos tiempos de retos, dandole la bienvenida a casa a Michael al final del dia.
En todos mis años con Michael nunca he presenciado tanta lealtad, honor y amor como lo hice este fin de semana.
Fans vinieron de todo el mundo para apoyar a Michael, el hombre con el cual hemos estado a su lado durante esta horrible injusticia. Michael, en reconocimiento a sus fans, abrio las puertas de Neverland a cualquiera que estuviera afuera. Fue una sorpresa tanto para mi como para todos los demas.
Despues de la tipica organizacion para el momento magico, me pidieron que guiara a las pesonas a traves de las famosas puertas de Neverland. Los fans, explotando con preguntas, casi no podia contener su emocion a medida que se iban revelando las maravillas de arboles de 200 años, fuentes, esculturas y el sonido tranquilo de musica clasica vibrando a traves del rancho.
A medida que nos acercabamos a la casa de Michal, el Sr. Joseph Jackson llamo a la gente a que se juntara en la puerta de entrada de la casa de Michael. Los fans entraron lentamente con respeto y admiracion a medida que Michael y sus tres adorables hijos saludaban a sus huespedes.
Todos aprovecharon el momento al maximo para agradecer a la familia Jackson y ver la extensa coleccion de fotos de familia y arte que adorna cada parte de su casa.
Despues todos fueron invitados a explorar el patio trasero y el cuarto de juegos. Yo pase por lo menos 45 minutos compartiendo recuerdos con todos, antes de que Michal trajera un BOX SET para cada invitado. Joseph fue un anfitrion encandador a medida que pasaba los CDs y hablaba con todos. Cuando el sol bajo era hora de irse.
Todos se fueron lentamente a sus carros y compartieron las historias de lo ocurrido en el dia. Fue un momento hermoso...nunca lo olvidaremos.
Gracias, Michael...por dejarnos bailar.
Por Karen Faye