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La web MJJMagazine revelará en su pagina de Facebook el dia 28 de enero el misterio que siempre ha rodeado los simbolos en la indumentaria de MJ. Michael Bush (diseñador personal de MJ) cuenta en una entrevista realizada a MJJMagazine el significado de CTE, 777 y 1998, simbologias que utilizaba Michael tanto en su ropa como en algunas de sus firmas o trabajos.
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MJ’s Mysterious symbols 777, CTE & 1998 revealed on MJJMAGAZINE’s official Facebook page on January 28th, 2012
After an exclusive interview with Michael Bush (MJ’s personal costume-designer), MJJMAGAZINE is going to reveal, on its official Facebook page MJJmagazine - The Michael Jackson Magazine | Facebook the meanings of the mysterious symbols and codes that Michael Jackson used to wear on his clothes. Unlike many fans' beliefs, CTE doesn't mean 'Children of The Earth' nor 777 represents MJ's favorite number repeated three-times and/or referring to God..
If you want to find out more about them, don't forget to visit the official MJJMAGAZINE Facebook page on Jan. 28th 2012, starting from 3 p.m. GMT!
Stay Tuned..
A continuacion la informacion enviada por email:
MJ’s Mysterious symbols 777, CTE & 1998 revealed on MJJMAGAZINE’s official Facebook page on January 28th, 2012
After an exclusive interview with Michael Bush (MJ’s personal costume-designer), MJJMAGAZINE is going to reveal, on its official Facebook page MJJmagazine - The Michael Jackson Magazine | Facebook the meanings of the mysterious symbols and codes that Michael Jackson used to wear on his clothes. Unlike many fans' beliefs, CTE doesn't mean 'Children of The Earth' nor 777 represents MJ's favorite number repeated three-times and/or referring to God..
If you want to find out more about them, don't forget to visit the official MJJMAGAZINE Facebook page on Jan. 28th 2012, starting from 3 p.m. GMT!
Stay Tuned..
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