"these charges are more significant. True, not as many charges on lewd acts on a child.
Los cargos son mas significativos. Verdad, no son muchos cargos en un caso de niños.
nevertheless, 10 counts oppose to 9. one big one, which is conspiracy.
Son 10 cargos, 9 no son muy importantes, pero hay uno de mucha importacion la conspiracion
28 counts done in furtherence of the conspiracy. now 4 counts of administering an intoxicating agent. Due to the conspiracy count, the rules change. You're talking about now having conversations talking to people, encouraging people to keep the child and possibly his mother at Neverland against her will."
28 cargos echos bajo la conspiracion, 4 por administracion de agentes toxicos. La conpiracion lo cambia todo.Estas hablando sobre tener conversaciones con gente, encubriendo a gente para mantaner al niño y a su madre en Neverland contra el luego.