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[23 de febrero]: Comentarios sobre la Quinta Jornada de Elección de Jurado

Pero una pregunta. ¿ En USA se creen lo del vitíligo?. Lo digo en el buen sentido,claro. Por ejemplo en España todo el mundo o no lo sabe, o no se creen lo de la enfermedad, por que? yo creo que por desinformación.
¿ En USA tb existe esa desinformación sobre este tema, o el tema del color de Michael se zanjó desde la entrevista con Ophra?
Pregunto esto porque en el caso de que los negros de América piensen que Michael se ha cambiado el color de la piel aposta, ello podría afectar a su objetividad.
Me explico???:D
Asiento 12
Jurado #77
Edad 44
Trabajadora Social
Piensa que los niños pueden ser influidos por sus padres

Esto creo que quizás es un punto bueno, porque ésta mujer se dará cuenta de la mentira que están montando éstos cerdos asquerosos.

Si la trabajadora social dijo que los niños pueden ser influenciados, eso
quiere decir que ha visto casos en donde eso ocurre y tendrá la mente abierta cuando empiece el juicio.

No les parece??
Por supuesto, Mariana. Esta 'trabajadora social' también da muy buena espina, tendrá la mente abierta, yo tb lo creo. Así que ya tenemos 2 'no guilty'. Si lo que digo, que al final todos los miembros del jurado lo considerarán Inocente,...eso sería una maravilla. :)
Me parece absurdo andar especulando ya sobre quién dará el not guilty y quién no. Estamos prejuzgando sin saber. Si el equipo legal de Michael no ha hecho más objecciones sobre los miembros que han ido saliendo, que así sea, que todo empiece ya.

Yo, particularmente, no creo que vaya a poder lograrse un juicio 100% justo, hay decenas de condicionantes que hacen la idea de un juicio justo algo utópico. No obstante, el sistema del jurado popular es por el cual habrá que luchar en esta batalla, así que adelante.

Confío en Michael, confío en su equipo legal y confío en que logren que este hombre pueda seguir adelante con su vida sin la sombra de la duda a su espalda.
White, yo por mi parte tampoco especulo sobre quien dira Inocente.

Lo único que me pareció interesante sobre la trabajadora social en el jurado.
Ella mas que nadie saber sobre las manipulaciones que puede hacerse por partr de un padre hacia un hijo.

Pero nada mas, ni siquiera sé lo que ésta mujer piensa ni pensará. Ojalá resuelva lo que nosotros estamos esperando.

Yo también confío mucho en Michael y en sus abogados.

Y en Dios, por supuesto...

El jurado ya está elegido y ya no se puede revertir, sacar conclusiones de uno y el otro no sirve para nada, por eso dije en un post que no nos persigamos pensando que la mujer que tiene a una hermana que fue abusada, elegirá culpable, porque nunca sabemos que puede llegar a pasar en la mente de esa mujer..

Tengamos fe en Dios, en Michael y en el equipo legal...

Y ahora que está elegido el jurado, qué pasará hoy?.
Faltaban los suplentes...

O todo sigue la semana que viene??
Que nervios :miedo: ahora si que la cosa tomo forma.....

Ojala el juicio empiece pronto, y tambien que termine pronto.....necesito escuchar ese NOT GUILTY antes de que me salgan ulceras :(
El proceso de eleccion del jurado ya ha terminado: Ya tienen a los 12 del jurado

Me acaba de llegar este email del boletin de noticias del MJJForum:
MJJF eNews #493 - Thursday Feb 24, 2005
Jackson's Twelve Jurors Sworn In
In what seemed like record time, juror selection in the Michael Jackson case was complete. With each side limited to ten minutes of questioning by Judge Rodney Melville, what was expected to take weeks took only days.

The twelve jurors were sworn in on Wednesday morning the selection of alternates to continue today.

There are eight women and four men who range in age from 20 to 79 years old. Four are Hispanic, one Asian, and seven are white. There are no African Americans on the jury.

The jurors are referred to by numbers as their names are kept confidential. But a brief description of each is revealed through questioning by the prosecutors and defense attorneys.

Juror 1 said he "avoids Geraldo (Rivera)" when watching news. He said he tries to overlook differences in people's lifestyles. The retired painter, who owns a home in Santa Maria, said of child witnesses: "You have to look at each individual case and make a judgment. You can't generalize."

Juror 2 does bronze casting, clay molds and is interested in Western art. He watches sports and coverage of the Iraq war and reads the local newspaper classified sections for garage sales. "I don't put celebrities on a pedestal," he said. "I would look at (Mr. Jackson) as just another person who needs a fair trial."

Juror 3 has been training horses and teaching riders for 31 years. Her first impression of Mr. Jackson in the courtroom: "He's a very small man with big energy."

Juror 4 teaches high school math and likes art galleries, "although there's not too many in Lompoc."

Like most of the jurors, she said she's critical of the media. "(High-profile) cases are covered too much. Everyone's an expert. . . . In order to get a fair trial, opinions shouldn't be put out like that."

Juror 5 is the oldest at 79. She watches only the last part of the "NBC Nightly News" while waiting for "Jeopardy!" to start: "I'm a 'Jeopardy!' freak, not a news freak. I'm an old-movie buff, and I like things that make me happy."

Her grandchildren emulate Mr. Jackson's dance moves, and she said, "I heard more about him in Russia than I do here."

She said a young relative had been arrested on a misdemeanor sex offense and was in therapy. "It really opened my eyes. . . . It ended up being a positive thing. It will actually make me more fair."

Juror 6, a physical therapy aide who works in a nursing home, plans to enroll in an licensed vocational nursing program in the fall. The 22-year-old said Mr. Jackson's music was "long before her time."

She said she hopes Mr. Jackson "finds a fair jury" despite all the press coverage.

Juror 7, a 42-year-old special education aide, said her four kids don't leave her time for hobbies and that she "believes in making her own decisions about things."

Juror 8 has a relative who is retired from the New York City Police Department. Even though her husband is a reporter, she said she's skeptical about the media. "I would like to think the media wouldn't affect jury decisions. But it might affect other people watching it."

On child witnesses, she said, "I think children do lie. . . . But on the other hand it's easier to get things out of a child than an adult."

Juror 9 said her hobby is cooking. She said she never followed Mr. Jackson's career but grew up with his music: "I think he's a wonderful entertainer."

Juror 10 is the youngest juror at 20. He said he hasn't been paying attention to the news recently. But he normally watches it on Fox and KCOY and is a fan of "The Simpsons" TV show. In high school, he liked crafts, drawing and ceramics. When asked if he could keep an open mind, he said, "Definitely."

Juror 11, a 21-year-old who uses a wheelchair, wants to be a motor sports journalist. He visited Mr. Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch in the sixth grade with the United Cerebral Palsy Group. He said the media coverage "is way too much for something like this."

Juror 12 has a close friend who is an officer with the San Luis Obispo Police Department and another who works in probation. She's a supervisor with the Santa Barbara County Department of Social Services and likes museums and theater. She would be "cautious" with child testimony and said she thinks "the justice system prevails, despite the media."

Source: Santa Barbara News Press/MJJForum

Alguien que traduzca mejor que yo?
Re: El proceso de eleccion del jurado ya ha terminado: Ya tienen a los 12 del jurado

A partir de ahora comienza lo peor.... Los siguientes 3 meses van ha ser horribles. Va ha salir mucha, mas mierda de lo que podemos imaginar...