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Michael Jackson looking for privacy on Bahrain vacation, royal host says
MANAMA, Bahrain, June 30 — Pop star Michael Jackson began a vacation on the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom of Bahrain, looking for privacy and relaxing in a secret location somewhere in this archipelago, his royal host said Thursday.
He can thank his brother for the getaway destination: Jermaine Jackson is a close friend of Bahrain's royal family.
Jackson arrived in Bahrain Wednesday night as a guest of the royal family. His host is the king's son, Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who flew in with the singer from Europe on a private plane.
The prince would not say where Jackson was staying in the Rhode Island-sized kingdom.
''Bahrain has a lot of beautiful places to offer,'' the prince told The Associated Press. ''He would love his privacy, and we will do our best to maintain the privacy he has.''
Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges in a California court on June 13.
The singer arrived alone, without his three children.
''He is here to relax with friends, and we are proud and honored to welcome him,'' Sheik Abdulla said. ''Michael is very well, very happy and very relaxed here.''
Jermaine Jackson is close to Bahrain's royal family and Sheik Abdulla in particular. In January, he and Sheik Abdulla, 30, announced plans to launch a charity theme song, ''He Who Makes The Skies Gray,'' which was written by the prince. Jermaine Jackson also was seen mingling with Bahrainis when he reviewed the track before the start of Bahrain's first Formula 3 race in December.
Michael Jackson could be staying in one of several royal venues across the 33-island archipelago. Some royal retreats are oceanfront resorts reachable only by boat, while others are heavily guarded residences in the hilly desert terrain.
Bahrain has a relaxed social climate that is rare in the conservative Gulf. Women can swim and sunbathe at hotels and liquor is sold in bars, nightclubs and stores. Socializing between the sexes is unrestricted at air-conditioned malls, coffee shops and other public places.
Bahrain, which is linked to Saudi Arabia by road, has become a close escape in the region dominated by strict Islamic traditions. Westerners who work in the neighboring Gulf state — oil workers, diplomats and business people — use the island as a getaway.
En castellano:
- Michael llegó la noche del Miercoles a Bahrein, como invitado de la familia real. Le ha invitado el hijo del rey, que viajó con Jackson desde Europa en un vuelo privado. El principe ha hablado para Associated Press, diciendo que le encantara la privacidad del lugar, y que harán el mayor esfuerzo posible para mantener esa provacidad. MJ ha ido sin sus hijos. (Pero si se les vió montar en París con ellos
). El principe dice que Jackson "esta aqui para relajarse con amigos, y estamos orgullosos de recibirle." "Michael está muy bien, muy contento y muy relajado aquí."
- Jermaine es amigo cercano de la familia real y del principe en particular. En Enero anunciaron canción los planes de lanzar una canción caritativa, ''He Who Makes The Skies Gray", escrita por el Principe.
- Sobre Bahrein
(esto le va a interesar a Jose Luis ): Tiene un clima social relajado que es raro en este golfo tan conservador. Las mujeres pueden nadar y tomar el sol, se vende alcohol en las tiendas, bares y clubs de noche. No se restringe socializarse entre sexos en centros comerciales, bares u otros lugares publicos. Bahrein está conectado por carretera con Arabia Saudí y se ha convertido en una vía de escape cercana en una región dominada por estrictas tradiciones islamicas. Los occidentales que trabajan en Arabia Saudi usan esta isla como escape.