US Magazine, June 12 1989
On The Possibility of Dancing With Michael Jackson:
“I’d love to, but I don’t think he’d like it. I think he has a shyness when it comes to women. He’d probably rather die than dance with me.”
En 1989 Madonna dijo que le encantaría bailar con Michael Jackson, pero no piensa que a el le gustaría, porque el era tímido con las mujeres, Madonna dice: "Probablemente preferiría morir antes que bailar conmigo".
Magic and Madness, J Randy says:
According to JRandy Michael has said,”‘I had my sunglasses on,’ he told J. Randy Taraborrelli, recalling their first ‘date’. ‘And I’m sitting there, you know, trying to be nice. And the next thing I know, she reaches over and takes my glasses off. Nobody has ever taken my glasses off…And, then, she throws them across the room and breaks them. I was shocked. ‘I’m your date now,’ she told me, ‘and I hate it when I can’t see a man’s eyes.’ I didn’t much like that.’
Madonna’s version: “We drove to the restaurant in my car. It was dark out, but he was still wearing sunglasses. I said, ‘Michael, I feel like I’m talking to a limousine, do you think you could take off those glasses so I could see your eyes?’ He paused for a moment, then he tossed the glasses out the window, looked at me with a wink and a smile and said, ‘Can you see me now, is that better?’
“In that moment, I could see both his vulnerability and his charm.”
En el libro de J Randy dice que:
Michael tenía puestos su anteojos cuando Madonna le saco los lentes, los tiro y se rompieron, Michael estaba es shock, y luego Madonna dijo "Soy tu cita hora y odio cuando no puedo ver los ojos de un hombre, no es algo que me guste.
La versión de Madonna: Estábamos en el auto y le dije a Michael que se sacara los lentes porque sentía que hablaba con una limusina, así que Michael se sacó los lentes, y los tiro fuera de la limusina y me dijo "¿Ahora está mejor?", en ese momento Madonna dice que pudo ver la vulnerabilidad y sensibilidad de Michael.
PD: ¿Quien miente Randy o Madonna?.
Jamie Foster on the Joan River Show about the Ivy date,
She stated that at the time when MJ and Madonna were at the Ivy restaurant, MJ was sitting at the table staring at Madonna’s boobs. This was the only did he thing, he just sat there staring at Madonna’s boobs. Madonna wondered, “What’s up with him and these boobs?” So she took MJ’s hand and placed them on her breast. Jamie says MJ was shocked by this.
Jamie Foster: Dice que cuando Michael y Madonna fueron al Ivy restaurant, Michael estaba sentando en una mesa mirando los senos de Madonna, "Era lo único que hacía" dice Jamie Foster, luego dice que Madonna al darse cuenta, tomo la mano de Michael y la puso en su sostén, Jamie Foster dice: "Michael Jackson estaba en shock, cuando Madonna hizo eso".
Mike Walker from the National Enquirer was on Geraldo and said,
Mike Walker said that MJ was about to have sex with Madonna, but she got all weird and started trying to have rough sex with MJ. When she did this, MJ got up and left. But if she would not have did that crazy stuff, Mike Walker said he believes MJ would have definitely slept with Madonna.
Mike Walker dice que MJ estaba apunto de tener sexo con Madonna, pero ella empezó a colocar la situación de una manera extraña queriendo tener "sexo de una manera salvaje" con Michael. Cuando ella hizo eso, Michael se levantó y se fue. Pero si ella no hubiera hecho todas esas cosas extrañas, Mike Walker dice que el cree que Michael definitivamente hubiera dormido con Madonna.
Madonna y Michael en Spago Restaurant, April 9, 1991.