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Jackson Defense Set to Blast Prosecution
At Hearing Today, Defense Lawyers Will Argue Michael Jackson Is Victim of Fanatical Prosecutors

The Associated Press

SANTA MARIA, Calif. July 9, 2004 — Legal fireworks are set to fly as defense lawyers try to show Michael Jackson is the victim of overzealousness on the part of District Attorney Tom Sneddon leading up to the pop star's arrest on child molestation charges. In a motion to suppress information taken from a defense investigator, attorney Robert Sanger said Sneddon is guilty of "outrageous misconduct" for invading the office of the investigator and seizing materials covered by the attorney-client privilege of confidentiality. A hearing on the motion was scheduled Friday.

The most surprising revelation in documents unsealed Thursday is that Sneddon, the chief prosecutor of Santa Barbara County, personally conducted surveillance at the Beverly Hills office of investigator Bradley Miller days before ordering a search of Jackson's Neverland estate.Defense lawyers said the sheriff's department also "invaded the defense camp" on Nov. 18, 2003, when officers used a sledge hammer to break into Miller's office and conference room. Although they had a search warrant, the defense said the officers exceeded the warrant's limitations.

Prosecutors responded that they did not know Miller was working for defense attorney Mark Geragos at the time and stated, "Not every 'invasion' of the office of a lawyer or his agent is 'outrageous.'"

The defense said evidence taken from Miller's office should be returned to Jackson's attorneys because law enforcement officers had no right to seize it.

The motion filed June 22 asked Judge Rodney S. Melville not to allow the evidence, including videotapes and computer hard drives, to be admitted at trial.

The mention of Sneddon's personal visit to the investigator's office was part of a continued attempt by the defense team, headed by Thomas Mesereau Jr., to portray him as overly zealous in his pursuit of Jackson.

The defense motion unsealed Thursday cited a memo drafted by Sneddon that said he had visited the building where Miller's office was located, photographed a list of offices there, and climbed the stairs to the second floor in an unsuccessful search for Miller's office.

Sneddon then took several photographs of the building, went to a phone both where he looked up Miller's number, and went to a meeting where he displayed driver's license photos of Miller and others in a so-called "photo lineup." The name of the person who saw the pictures was deleted from the court records released Thursday.

Prosecutors said the office of a lawyer or private investigator could be searched if they had reason to believe it held evidence not covered by attorney-client privilege.

They said their search involved Miller's rental of a storage unit and his employment by Jackson. However, they acknowledged seizing audio and videotapes that were not covered by the search warrant but were "in plain sight."

In another development Thursday, media attorney Theodore Boutrous Jr. filed an appeal notice with the California 2nd District Court of Appeals challenging the pattern of secrecy that has surrounded the Jackson case.

The filing, which did not include legal arguments, said news organizations including The Associated Press were appealing a long list of orders issued by Melville that sealed such items as search warrants, grand jury transcripts and key sections of the indictment. The organizations are also appealing the practice of holding of secret hearings in the case without public notice.

Como diria la cancion de Aventura: "lo que tu sienteeeesss, sera una obsesioooonnnn":jajaja:
Moonscape dijo:
...Como no sea por que a la defensa le interesa que se retrase el proceso, no entiendo a que viene eso.

O yo me mato ya...

Y eso de q cuesta una pasta???
Esto q es???



Ya estaba echando de menos ver a fans y a "fans" :mad: (esta cara por el cartel amarillo)

Para colmo estaba 'nuestra amiga' del cartelito amarillo pro-Sneddon... Me pregunto si cobrará por horas, por días o en cheques de gasolina...
tajera, la imbecil del cartel amarillo se llama Sophia Hollum. En el mjjforum estan hablando de ke la proxima vez alguien la siga a todas partes con otro cartel que diga "Tom Sneddon paga a Sophia Hollum" y "Sophia Hollum es una furcia" :cuñao
Xtarlight y Mpenziwe dijo:

Para colmo estaba 'nuestra amiga' del cartelito amarillo pro-Sneddon... Me pregunto si cobrará por horas, por días o en cheques de gasolina...
La del cartel blanco la que esta al lado de "nuestra-amiga" pone "we support the victims" es decir que apoya a Michael tambien :p :jajaja:
bizilagun dijo:
"Sophia Hollum es una furcia" :cuñao

Hombre, de ponerle un cartel , el primero estaria mejor.

Pero no os olvideis de algo...
A nosotros nos pagan más, por eso hay más fans de Michael. :cuñao

Asias por las fotos. ;)

( Ya estoy menos tensa. :v: XD )
Seguramente, el p.. Sneddon se podra ir de celebracion con la parienta :jajaja: :

jim thomas said it will be a taped deposition. Apparently the defesne told the judge about this plan, and Melville eventually agreed to it. Cos Melville initially told TS he cant go on the vacation and that he has to be there. So blame the defense.
Esto lo ha puesto un usuario del MJJForum.
AL LORO Q PERRA!!!!!!!!!!! MIRA ESQUE LLEGO A SER YO LA CHICA DEL GORRO ROJO Y ESQ LA METO EL PALO X EL CU.. A LO HOLOCAUSTO CANIBAL!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: .
Es como la mujer esa odiosa q salio en un reportaje de la tv. q salia con una full de pancarta en contra de michael y a favor de los niños!uiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssg gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hay q ser TONTA!
Yo creo que lo q les mola es verse en la tele, o no lo entiendo!

Ya se va nuestro hombre :chulillo:

Por cierto que yo veo bien que haya dejado que Sneddon se vaya de vacaciones porque al menos, durante ese tiempo no estará removiendo mierda del caso...
El testimonio de Sneddon sera grabado. Asi que podra irse de vacaciones.

Pregunto: Al ser grabado ¿no podra Mesereau hacerle las preguntas cara a cara?
Última edición:

Michael Jackson (news) supporter Michl Martin holds a sign Friday, July 9, 2004 outside the Santa Barbara County Superior Court in Santa Maria, Calif. during a hearing in Jackson's trial on child molestation charges. Martin claims that she was visted by Jackson's relative Tamar Jackson and was told that, 'part of me belongs with Michael and that we belong together. I've been celibate for 7 years for Michael. I am an equal with Michael.' (AP Photo/Michael A. Mariant)
Última edición:
bizilagun dijo:
En el mjjforum estan hablando de ke la proxima vez alguien la siga a todas partes con otro cartel que diga "Tom Sneddon paga a Sophia Hollum" y "Sophia Hollum es una furcia" :cuñao

Espero que para la próxima, aparezcan con una buena pancarta que ponga eso: "Sophia Hollum is a whore".

Le estaría de puta madre.
Xtarlight y Mpenziwe dijo:
Por cierto que yo veo bien que haya dejado que Sneddon se vaya de vacaciones porque al menos, durante ese tiempo no estará removiendo mierda del caso...
Yo lo q no entiendo es como ha podido poner delante lo de celebrar esto con su mujer al terrible odio y asco q le tiene a Michael!!


Es raro...
Lo mismo es q siente q el estres lo puede llevar la muerte y se va a despejarse antes de q le afecte a su salud pq está asqueado a jierro. :D

Yo creo que lo q les mola es verse en la tele, o no lo entiendo!
Hay mucha gente q se parte la cara por salir en la tv.
No me extrañaria q fuera solo por eso.
La pancarta de la colega esta dice:"Michael quiere una esposa y 12 discípulos: Llevo 7,5 años de castidad por el virgen - Te kiero"

Supuestamente por discipulos se refiere a hijos, y dice ke lleva 7,5 años sin... ya sabéis, sinnnnn...............!!!!! :jajaja: como homenaje a MJ, o como sacrificio por él o algo así, por ser ÉL virgen! :lol:

Ya te digo, seguro ke la pancarta pone por detrás "Mi hijo es un mutante venusiano" :lolazo: