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Todo Sobre La Vista Del 9 De Julio AquÍ

siiiiiiiiiii si! claro, con lo d los discipulos se refiere a los hijos, porque os acordais cuando mike dijo que queria adoptar dos niños de cada continente: ttal 10 niños+ 2 que ya tiene=12!(he resuelto el enigma!:feo: )y les dara ese nombre(discipulos) porque MICHAEL es su dios....juuuuuuuuuur ( q paranoia!)pero tiene su sentido,eh?
Incluso he llegado al fondo de la investigacion y he descubierto que....:
QUE PERRAKA!:jajaja:
Harsh Words at Jackson Hearing

By Steve Chawkins, Times Staff Writer

Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville had harsh words today for attorneys on both sides during a pretrial hearing in the Michael Jackson child molestation case.

Defense attorneys had asked that a hearing on a key motion be delayed until July 27, explaining they needed more time to review documents.

"I think you failed me," Melville said, citing the inconvenience to sheriff's deputies, the press and the witnesses who were to testify.

But prosecutors did not escape Melville's wrath.

Santa Barbara County Dist. Atty. Tom Sneddon, who was to be one of the witnesses, noted that his vacation plans made it very difficult for him to appear on July 27.

The judge was not swayed.

"If I can cancel my vacation, I guess you can cancel yours," he told the district attorney.

After a recess, Melville relented and urged defense attorney Thomas A. Mesereau to consider videotaping Sneddon's testimony or taking other measures to allow the prosecutor to go on vacation.

At issue was the defense challenge of a search conducted by Santa Barbara law enforcement officials.

They contend that the search of private investigator Bradley Miller's office in Beverly Hills was conducted illegally and that documents and tapes that were seized should not be admitted as evidence in Jackson's upcoming trial.

Jackson was indicted in April for allegedly molesting a 12-year-old boy and allegedly taking part in a conspiracy involving child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion. He has pleaded not guilty.

In another matter, the judge hinted that he would hold Jackson in contempt of court if the pop star issued another public statement related to the case. The judge has issued a gag order on all parties during the case.

Last month, Jackson told fans via his website that he was upset over media reports disclosing alleged details of his settlement in a 1993 child molestation lawsuit.
Siento desbaratar tu teoria y cargarma asi la paz de todos pero , Michael tiene 3 hijos.

Ahora q? Ya no cuadra. XDDD

Vanil bonita adaptación. :meparto:

:jar: :7: anyhoo...

Ya, está bien que Sneddon se vaya de vacaciones... así nosotros descansamos también de él. Ahora esperemos al 27 que seguro se pone bueno ese día.

Me jode que no digan nada de la fecha del juicio... I need to know! Yo anoche pensaba que con todo esto es muy probable que la recorran, pero personalmente necesito saber algo fijo para poder ir haciendo mis planes.
ala como se me pira la pinzaaaaaaaaaaaa! esto no me lo puedo perdonar, de verdad cmo fan es una vergúenzaaaaaaaaa! se me ha olvidado el peke blanket!x dios! q fallo!voy a flagelarme un rato por este increible error:eek: :acallar:

Jackson family attorney Brian Oxman waves goodbye to other defense attorneys as they leave the Santa Barbara County Courthouse in Santa Maria, California, after a pre-trial hearing in the child molestation case against Michael Jackson(AFP/Robyn Beck)
Para colmo no han dicho nada de la fecha del juicio y nosotros mañana sacamos ya los vuelos a Los Angeles sin saber si servirá de algo o no
Chicos y no hay manera que pudieran esperar al 27 de Julio, para saber si dicen algo más o se logra desestimar algo?

Brian Oxman con pancartas de fans de fondo :D


Debra Opri, abogada contratada por Joe Jackson





Debra Opri, attorney respesenting Joe and Catherine Jackson, parents of Michael Jackson, speaks to the media Friday, July 9, 2004 following a hearing in Michael Jackson's child molestation trial at Santa Barbara County Superior Court in Santa Maria, Calif. (AP Photo/Michael A. Mariant)​
Última edición:
No me da tiempo de traducir, pero la parte de las vacaciones de Sneddon: :lol: :lol:

Judge orders Michael Jackson's prosecutor to testify about evidence received in abuse case

AP Special Correspondent

SANTA MARIA, Calif. — Michael Jackson's prosecutor was ordered Friday to testify at an upcoming hearing about how much he knew of the relationship between Jackson's former attorney and a private investigator before officials broke into the investigator's office and took evidence.

"I have nothing to hide," said Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who offered to testify immediately. But defense attorneys asked for a delay in order to study materials just turned over to them.

Law enforcement officials said they had a search warrant targeting the investigator's office.

The defense countered that officers exceeded the warrant's limitations, and evidence taken from Miller's office should be returned to Jackson's attorneys.

At Friday's hearing, Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville initially ordered Sneddon to cancel his vacation — a prepaid trip to Alaska for his 37th wedding anniversary — to attend the hearing scheduled for July 27.

Sneddon, obviously miffed, shook his head, threw his papers down on the counsel table and said, "I'll be here."

But the judge reconsidered and suggested the defense try to accommodate the prosecutor either with a videotaped deposition or an appearance at a later hearing.

The judge said he did not want to force Sneddon to cancel his trip.

The issue had been scheduled for a hearing Friday, but defense attorney Robert Sanger said at the start of the session that he had just received transcripts the night before.

"It's a transcript of a videotape, a law enforcement interview of the mother of the complaining witness," Sanger said.

The interview was done on July 6, 2003, four months before Jackson was charged or arrested, he said.

Sneddon objected to the delay, explaining that he had brought witnesses to testify from Los Angeles and wanted to go ahead. But the judge, after scolding the defense for not warning him of the request for a delay, agreed to wait.

"I have been very concerned about the factual issue, whether or not the district attorney ... knew Mr. Geragos was working for Mr. Jackson and knew that Mr. Miller had been retained by Geragos," the judge said, referring to Jackson's previous attorney, Mark Geragos, and his investigator, Bradley Miller.

"It is an issue that needs to be factually established," Melville said.

Sanger argued that Sneddon had approached him this week and told him that he was willing to concede that he knew about the relationship before a search warrant was executed on Miller's office. But Sneddon stood up and denied that.

He said he would explain the entire situation from the witness stand, asserting "I have nothing to hide."

Jackson, 45, has pleaded not guilty to committing a lewd act upon a child, administering alcohol and conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion.

In other matters, the judge ruled that Jackson does not have to appear personally for an Aug. 16 hearing on suppression of evidence that is expected to last up to two weeks. The singer has waived his personal appearances at most hearings.

The attorney for a coalition of media organizations, including The Associated Press, urged the judge to unseal grand jury transcripts in the case and to release the balance of edited documents that he made public this week.

Theodore Boutrous Jr. said the motion disclosed on Thursday revealed accusations against Sneddon, claiming the prosecutor had personally surveilled Miller and that officials broke into Miller's office with a sledge hammer to seize evidence.

"These are serious accusations, " said Boutrous. "Case law has held that where there is an accusation misconduct, that is the zenith of the need for public access. One of the reasons for public access is so the public can serve as a check on government."

The judge, however, refused to release the full documents.

"I am not going to release at this point more than I've already released," Melville said.

The judge also ruled that Jackson recently violated a court gag order when he commented on a leak of information to the media about a case he was involved in 11 years ago.

But the judge said he was willing to overlook it because Jackson's new attorney, Thomas Mesereau Jr., probably was unfamiliar with the terms of the gag order.

He told Mesereau to make sure his client doesn't comment again.

"Is it appropriate for me to say you are no longer the new kid on the block?" the judge asked Mesereau.

"Yes," said the lawyer, who previously argued that Jackson should be allowed to answer when there are damaging leaks of information. The judge said he would have to approve such responses.

Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

El articulo ke puse antes del LA Times viene a decir ke el juez ha estado de malas pulgas con tol mundo hoy (será el calor...)

La defensa le ha pedido que el asunto ke iban a tratar hoy (sobre la reducción de evidencias) se traspase al 27 de julio, porke necesitaban más tiempo para revisar un papeleo.

"Creo que me han fallado", ha dicho Melville, porque ha sido una molestia para los agentes del sheriff, la prensa y los testigos ke tenian previsto declarar.

Por su parte, Sneddon, que era uno de los ke tenía ke declarar, ha dicho ke le costaria mucho tener ke estar el 27 de julio en el juzgado porke ya tenia previstas sus vacaciones: "Si yo cancelo mis vacaciones, imagino que usted podrá cancelar las suyas", le ha dicho el juez a Sneddon.

Despues de un descanso, Melville le ha pedido a Mesereau ke la declaración de Sneddon podría grabarse en video o algo así para no tener ke kitarle de sus vacaciones.

Pero basicamente se ha hablado del registro ilegal que se hizo a Bradley Miller (Para quien no recuerde: Miller es un detective privado que trabajó para Geragos en los primeros dias del caso, por lo tanto formaría parte de la defensa y es ilegal registrarle a él).

El juez ha venido a decir tambien ke se ha moskeao por cuando Michael habló publicamente cuando salió del juzgado la otra vez, y que se meterá en lios (mj) si se le ocurre hacer declaraciones en relación al caso. Ha habido mucha confusión a lo largo del día pero por lo visto se refiere a cuando Michael se quejó a traves de mjjsource cuando se filtró el documento aquel del 94. Lo cual es una imbecilidad, porke aquel era un caso y este es otro. Además Michael precisamente se quejaba de la filtración, osea que tiene narices acusarle A ÉL de romper la orden de silencio.

Esto es chungo porque le podría caer una buena, pero todo ha quedado en un susto, le ha advertido que no lo vuelva a hacer y listo.

Osea, que el dia 27 hay otra vista, Sneddon estará con su mujer rascandose el culo en una playa que espero que esté infestada de tiburones, medusas venenosas y demás, celebrando su 37º aniversario de boda o nosequé historias, y su declaración para ver porqué entró en el despacho del detective sin permiso sería grabada en video.
Osea, que el dia 27 hay otra vista, Sneddon estará con su mujer rascandose el culo en una playa que espero que esté infestada de tiburones, medusas venenosas y demás, celebrando su 37º aniversario de boda o nosequé historias, y su declaración para ver porqué entró en el despacho del detective sin permiso sería grabada en video.
Pues no Bizi, segun el artículo de la AP, Sneddon se va a Alaska :| Ojala un oso nos hiciera un favor... :rolleyes:
Última edición:
bizilagun dijo:
Osea, que el dia 27 hay otra vista, Sneddon estará con su mujer rascandose el culo en una playa que espero que esté infestada de tiburones, medusas venenosas y demás, celebrando su 37º aniversario de boda o nosequé historias,

Genial. Espero q no lo pase bien. :D

y su declaración para ver porqué entró en el despacho del detective sin permiso sería grabada en video.
No se, es un poco ridiculo q se tengan q hacer alternativas de este tipo por unas vacaciones...
Yo tengo todo esto como algo serio e importante.
No se, espero q eso del video no sea menos efectivo o lo q sea.


Yo creo q lo mismo alli una demo multitudinaria tb vendria bien. :D :rolleyes: XDD
Osea que ha sido su amiguito Melville quien ha rectificado y a propuesto que se grabe en video la declaracion de Sneddon, para que pueda irse de vacaciones :|

A mi si me molesta que se vaya de vacaciones, por que por seguir haciendo daño, seguro que deja 'servicios minimos' :mad:

Se va a Alaska... Alaska eh?... :mmm: ( iba a poner el smile metralleta, pero lo mismo tenemos a Sneddon mirandonos :bye: )

Lo que me parece de locos es lo de la orden de silencio... alguien lo filtra para hacer daño a Michael, no se investiga nada... y ¿no puede responder nada para defenderse? :mad:

Cuidado Michael, no vayas a toser y lo consideren como romper la orden de silencio :|
Última edición:

Y eso de Alaska suena a... el Tibet, a las montañas rocosas, el desierto de Janami Kampou o la isla de Kuji Hanamú. Es decir...

Donde no haya fans seguro.

:meparto: :meparto: :meparto: