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Audiciones para bailarines en LA *Video en reply #118*

Más bailarinas que se han presentado...

Desde MJDreams también han recopilado twitters de algunos de los bailarines que han hecho audición para el tour. Una de ellas, dejó un mensaje en su blog en el que decía que iba a hacer la audición, que se trataba de un tour 'nacional e internacional', y que de conseguir el trabajo ganaría 80.000$. ESTE es su blog.

Por su parte, Pete Carter en KOP Board Discussion ha dicho lo siguiente:

"Yo no estuve en las audiciones. Soy bailarín, pero no tengo un agente ni nada y tienes que tener uno para ser elegido para poder ir a una audición. Un buen amigo mío sí fue a la audición y estuvo a 2 personas de conseguirlo. Travis Payne enseñó la rutina de Dangerous [Spoiler - seleccionar para ver título] - con algunos pasos añadidos-. Michael se sentó en la audición y señalaba a los bailarines que le gustaban. Siete chicos y 2 chicas lo consiguieron. Yo vi cómo cada persona que salía lo hacía completamente flipando de alegría, bien por haber conseguido hacer el tour, o bien sencillamente felices de haber tenido la oportunidad de hacer una audición para Michael. Una pareja de chicas salieron y estaban cayéndose sobre sus rodillas diciendo que estuvieron TAN cerca. Él sólo eligió a dos chicas 'freestyle' para él. Vi a las gemelas de 3121 de Prince allí".

Lo de que el coreógrafo Travis Payne estaba allí también lo confirmó Victoria Parsons en su blog
Última edición:
Joer, me parecen super bobas. Supongo que Michael se fijará en el baile, que tendrá buen criterio para estas cosas :p
A ver y para cuando fotos de bailarinES???
Las chicas, si muy guapas... pero que alguien piense en el sector femenino leñeeee!!
2 años ?? this is it tour (?) lo pongo de nuevo T O U R ??
si esto es cierto puede que venga a latinoamerica ! entonces no todo estara perdido wii :D:D xd
Joer, me parecen super bobas. Supongo que Michael se fijará en el baile, que tendrá buen criterio para estas cosas :p

Jospa, pero es que ellas lo valen (no en vano han estado con Prince, u know) la parte en la que bailan me parecen espectaculares en todos los sentidos: soooooo coooool!

Muchísimas gracias u.boy por poner este documento visual especialmente y por todo lo demás.:)

pd: me encanta leer que el viejo amigo Travis Payne está cooperando codo con codo en la selección de bailarines dada su gran profesionalidad y por cierto ¿a Lavelle Smith no se le ha visto-o mejor dicho-no se ha dejado ver por alrededor?
Última edición:
Joer, me parecen super bobas. Supongo que Michael se fijará en el baile, que tendrá buen criterio para estas cosas :p

Hombre, no las está auditando para dar una conferencia :p. Las chicas me han parecido muy buenas. No sé cómo serán las que al final ha cogido, porque siempre hay otros factores además de cómo bailan, pueden ser buenísimas pero también tienen que encajar con un pefil concreto para el show y cómo está concebido este. Pero buenas, me lo han parecido y bastante.
Se me ponen los pelos de punta al ver toda esa experiencia, tiene que ser una mezcla de nervios y emoción brutales. Es que no sé ni cómo siquiera se acuerdan de las coreos cuando lo tienen delante, señalando a los que si, a los que no. Buffffffff!!

Muy interesante el vídeo. Gracias.
chicos yo quisiera ir.... confìo en que tengo talento.... por cierto... acabo de audicionar y quede electo, pero no para this is it.... sino como mj bolivarense aqui en mi ciudad... je je ... mas fino... dentro de poco me presento y les subo el video....
Entrevista a las gemelas:

Maximum Jackson is pleased to present an exclusive interview with The Twinz- Maya and Nandy McClean- who auditioned for Michael Jackson in LA last week.

MaxJax: Thank you for agreeing to this interview, it’s an absolute pleasure to be able to speak with you about what it was like auditioning for Michael Jackson! We'd like to start by asking what you’re both doing at this stage in your careers.

Maya and Nandy: We are singer/songwriters and we are currently working on our album and looking to shop for a deal. We play the guitar so the sound is very acoustic pop with a lot of guitar lead tracks. We have been told it sounds like “Beautiful Pop music”. On the side we have been back up singing for various artist in the U.S.

How did you get selected to audition for Michael Jackson?

All the top agency’s in the US and internationally were contacted to send in their top dancers. It was picture submission. So we were selected off our headshots and resume.

Were you told to specifically plan or prepare a dance piece for the audition?

No we were just told to bring head shots, resumes and they taught us all the choreography.

Were you given any indication of what Michael was looking for?

Yes it was all specified in the email from our agency. Attractive model types dressed cabaret/catwalk and stars in their own right.

How did you personally prepare for the auditions?

Wow…We had been preparing our whole lives for that moment! We started dancing because of Michael Jackson when we were little. It was crazy! We got the email Friday and the audition was the next Tuesday so we had 4 days to prepare. We jumped online immediately started watching all his shows. We had a friend audition for the boys on Monday, so he told us what choreography they were learning "Smooth Criminal"and "Dangerous" [Spoiler: Seleccionar para ver el título] and started going over those performances. Sit up’s push ups, coordinated what we were wearing, make up and drove round listening to MJ for the next 4 days lol!

What happened on the first day of auditions? Please tell us a little about who was there from Michael Jackson’s camp and what you had to learn and perform.

The first day was so exciting! They had a documentary crew filming. They chose us to give them an interview. Director Kenny Ortega was present, Travis Payne Choreographer/Associate Director and AEG Live. It was so intense!

When did you learn that you had been called back for the second day?

There were over 200 girls and we all went in together, learned the choreography, then got cut into smaller groups of 12 to be seen by the judges. Then we performed in front of Kenny, Travis and assistant choreographers and they told the ones they wound like to stay for the call backs to take a step forward and they asked us both to step forward!

How many dancers were called back?

They kept around 50 female dancers and around 80 for male callbacks.

What was the second day of auditions like? Please tell us a little about who was there and what you were asked to perform.

Before we left for the callbacks the next day they taught the ones who stayed the rest of the choreography, so that’s what we performed the next day. The minute we got inside to sign up a friend came up to us and said, “ He is here”! Michael Jackson was in the building and would soon be seeing us audition. We were so excited!

Did you know in advance that Michael Jackson himself would be there?

On the first day Kenny said they would hope Michael would show up for the call backs, but wasn’t sure.

How long was Michael Jackson there on the second day?

He was there to watch the boy’s audition and when we came into audition for the next round he came in to watch. We then performed in groups of round 8 at a time and we got to do what we do.

Did Michael Jackson talk to the dancers or address them at any stage?

He got introduced as he came through the stalls and he waved hello. I blew him a kiss and he blew one back!

Did you personally get to speak to Michael Jackson at any stage?

Unfortunately not, we were there to work and only saw him from the stage.

Can you tell us a little about his demeanor and what he was wearing?

He was in black, had dark glasses on and his hair was done Jet black. One of the boy dancers said when they saw him he was wearing a white hat, so he must have taken it off before we saw him.

How did it feel to be able to perform for Michael Jackson himself? Were you very nervous?

Yes very, although he had come to one of Prince's show in Las Vegas before and seen us perform there as backup singers and dancers, but it was a totally different experience auditioning for him, for his show, to have his eye study you for his approval.

Please feel free to tell us any additional details you remember or would like to share.

They were only casting 2 girls and 6 boys out of over four hundred people. So we were very grateful to be in the few and to have made it that far. All we can say is that it was the experience of a life time and brought back so many feelings and memories from when we were kids and how far we have come since growing up in Australia and how dreams can come true if you believe.

Again, thank you so much from Maximum Jackson- we appreciate the time taken to conduct this interview and wish you the very best in your future endeavours.

Fuente: http://www.maximum-jackson.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=8692
:cuñao :cuñao ...alguien me puede explicar que significa eso?. No quiero pensar cualquier cosa... :jajaja::jajaja: :rolleyes:

Hasta donde entiendo Freestyle es bailar "a lo q venga" o sea, q ponen una cancion y bailar sin seguir una coreografia previamente elaborada :D
Última edición:
Jué, qué raro, MJ con un sombrero blanco a estas alturas de la película... :cuñao

Iba a hacer un comentario pero tendría que ser entre spoilers, y para eso, no lo digo :p
Traducción amiguis ya porfa!!


"Habló Michael Jackson con los bailarines o se dirigió a ellos en algún momento?

Fue presentado mientras pasaba por los puestos y dijo hola con la mano. Yo le lancé un beso y él me lo devolvió!"

Lo que te digo, intentando el tráfico de influencias... :jajaja:
Hasta donde entiendo Freestyle es bailar "a lo q venga" o sea, q ponen una cancion y bailar sin seguir una coreografia previamente elavorada :D

Esto me suena a "In The Closet" total :7: Claro que no me imagino a Michael a dos bandas... o sí? :eek:

PD: Fabala... es elaborada :)