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Janet Jackson - "20 Y.O."

Entonces es Janet la que ha versionado?!?!?!. Ese tema de los BEP es del 2000, y seguro que esa parte cantada por la chica, que es lo que canta Janet, es de alguna otra canción más antigua, dudo que Janet cante algo de los BEP, ¿no? Pero que fuerte, que ahora nos enteremos de esto, xD
18 SEPTIEMBRE - Salida de la edición INGLESA del single "Call on me"

No creo que salga el 18 en Inglaterra. Normalmente salen los singles (al menos los singles mas comerciales y fuertes) cada lunes. Probablemente salga el 22 :)
A mi la letra del estribillo de Janet ya me sonaba cuando me puse a cantarla un dia, pero hace tanto tiempo de la de Black Eyed Peas que hasta que Sele no lo dijo yo no caí y en cuanto lo dijo empecé a buscar por que sabia que no era una cancion nueva. Probablemente sea algun trozo de otra más vieja.

He estado buscando quien ha cantado este estribillo y encontre esto

Debbie Deb que no se quien es, la canta igual que Janet, vamos toda la letra.


Estoy intentando bajarme la cancion a ver como es
Weekend es una versión. No es original de janet. no recuerdo de quien pero creo que es la que ha puesto liyah.
A ver ya me la baje, es de Debbie Deb y la de janet es igual. A ver si alguien se la paso y la puede subir por que ahora mismo yo no puedo
Hablando de Weekend ,
Quien parece ser si la incluira en su nuevo disco es Kelis

Aqui les dejo un comentario de la cancion:


"Wait, we have to respect will.i.am now? Or at least forgive his past transgressions against music (and general good taste)? First he laces Too $hort with "Keep Bouncing", and now comes with this electro/house number that lets Kelis channel her inner Debbie Deb. If the house remixes of "Bossy" were any indication, Euros are gonna have a field day with this one."


Miss Jackson dijo:
Dia : 02 Agosto
Evento : Conferencia de Prensa para promocionar el nuevo albùm en Chicago, Illinois.


Para las chicas del foro que siempre mira la ropa que lleva Janet y se pregunta de donde es y esas cosas: Esta camiseta se puede comprar aquí :)
"So Exited" Single review

The Urban Blog SOHH escribió una review corta acerca del segundo single de Janet:

Janet's second single "So Excited" is a dance track that relies very heavily on a sample by 80's electronic jazz legend Herbie Hancock. Remember the song "Rockit". The video had all those robots and shit. Well Janet takes that to a whole new level. If you thought Jermaine has the south dancing wait til you hear what he did with this track. Unfortunately I don't have a sample.

Según lo que entiendo, dice que depende en exceso del sample de RockIt. Que Janet lo lleva a un nuevo nivel y que si pensamos que Jermaine "domina" el baile del sur? (R&B?) que esperemos a escuchar lo que hizó con esta canción.
Billboard Charts:

Hot 100: #38 [Last Week #33]
Hot 100 Airplay: #25 [Last week #25]*
Pop 100: #69 [Last week #43]
Hot R&B/Hip Hop Singles: #11 [Last week #14]*
Hot R&B/Hip Hop Airplay: #11 [Last week #14]*
Hot Adult R&B Airplay: #21 [Last week #25]
Rhythmic Top 40: #25 [Last Week #22]
Hot Dance Music/Club Play: #26 [Last Week #41]*
Dance Radio Airplay: #15 [Last Week #17]*

La cancion a mi ya me gusta, es sin duda, una cancion para rellenar el disco, aunque ojala no hubiese salido como single..
Las posiciones que esta teniendo es por culpa de la cancion, y es que a mi a primera escucha no me gusto para nada.. aunque ahora me la se de memoria :lol:
Orbitt dijo:
¿Cómo queréis que sea el disco?
Pues espero que al ser una celebracion de los 20 años de Control, Janet mire hacia atras y rescate un poco de lo mejor de todo este tiempo, como por ejemplo esos sonidos y ritmos de Control, y que los lleve al siglo XXI, también que deje en un segundo o tercer plano su clitoris y se centre más en otros temas q no tienen porque ser de tematica amorosa exclusivamente, también puede tratar temas como las injusticas sociales como por ejemplo hizo en el album Rhythm Nation 1814, o los malos tratos a mujeres en What About. Musicalmente que coja derroteros funky al estilo Weekend (ese es el camino Janet, siguelo :reza:) y también nos vuelva a estremecer con baladas románticas que son como un broche de oro para su dulce voz como fue por ejemplo Again.

No pido nada y más como está la musica RnB hoy en día :p.

¿Cómo creéis que será el disco? ¬.¬)
Sexo "All Day, All Nite" con Jermaine; como me menea el clitoris Jermaine :p; sexo en cuarta dimensión con Jermaine; sueños humedos con Jermaine; hoy en el trabajo me hice un dedote pensando en Jermaine; Jermaine por aqui, Jermaine por alla... Bueno, realmente no creo que sea eso, pero eso sería mi pesadilla echa realidad si finalmente sale el album asi xD.

Pues me encantaría exterminar del mundo de la música a ese pseudo artista llamado Jermaine Dupri y que janet volviera a pasar las riendas de su carrera a Jam & Lewis para construir nuevos temazos como "Rhythm Nation" "That's the way love goes" o " "love will never do".

Quisiera que Janet volviera al sonido R&B - Soul y dejara ese ramalazo hip hop en algunos temas como "All nite" en los que susurra , no canta.

a mi no me molesta el tema del amor ya que está presente en el 99% de sus canciones, quizás si que dejaría de lado ses onanismo crónico para reforzar melodias y cuidar mas la voz.

me encantaría encontrar una version de un clásico como "When i think of you" con estrofas cambiadas, nuevos arreglos, vamos el mismo tema pero totalmente diferente.

eliminaría los cansinos interludes que ya ni sorprenden ni aportan nada.


Otro disco de Da Brat, de Lil' Bow,otro disco de Jagged edge, es decir, un producto 100% SO SO DEF en el que el protagonista será Jermaine Dupri, desde ahora mismo me apuesto mi casa a que sus típicos "hey" "Jo" "so so deeef" estarán en mas de seis temas del disco.
Es tan egocentrico que hasta se nombra así mismo en los discos de otro.

Nula repercusión del trabajo de Jam & Lewis, singles equivocados (como siempre nuestros temas favoritos pasaran sin pena ni gloria) interludes chorras y sin sentido,de nuevo Jermaine,Janet susurrando en el 80% de los temas, muchas fotos de ella enseñando cacha y otra vez Jermaine.

Así que visto lo visto mucho han de cambiar las cosas para que este espiritu negativo que tengo cambiara..bueno si, rezo por ver un "Jermaine y Janet cortan" pues se que es la única manera de que no la manipulen (y se deje) como lo estan haciendo.
Janet en OK Magazine

os dejo la entrevista y si alguien puede que la traduzca o nos haga un resumen.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned in these 2 decades?

J- Things I talked about on the VR. When I was going through the depression, loving yourself, liking yourself,soul searching. That was a really good period in my life.

Q- What does this new CD mean to you?

J- Its history for me 20 years snice the release of control. It was a point in my life where I came to a crossroads. The biggest issue for me was making the decision to fire my father as my manger, asking to be let out of my contract and wanting to do it myself.

Q-how have you coped with the turbulence of the last 2 years?

J- I have been very postive, Everyone has ups and downs. Its how you take them, If you allow them to darken you.

Q- Did you worry that you could relapse into Deppression?

J- not at all,.

Q- What got you through depression?

J- jermaine has played a big part, and he still helps me a great deal. (then she talks about that cowboy that helped her during the VR era)

Q- What are you and jermaine like at home?

J- He takes out the trash. He plays Video games. We have our favorite shows: boondocks, entourage, sopranos. We watch football and basketball games.

Q- What is the most romantic thing he has ever done for you?

J- You can't tell stuff like that! It's real Personal.

Q- how was it working with him on the CD?

J- A lot of people thought it would be very strange, but i knew it would be ok. There wasn't a hiccup.

Q- so you never had disagreements?

J- well of course, but there is a give and take in everthing that you do.

Q- What is special about jermaine to you?

J- everthing, honestly, this is a really different relationship.

Q- why is it so differernt from the past?

J- i never had someone who stands on their own feet, they always leaned on me. they pushed into my life. When someone was causing me drama, i used to let it go. it was also very ugly. but, with jermaine it is different.

Q- Are you engaged?

J- everybody keeps asking me about it!
He said to a TV crew, We are getting married on SEpt. 26. and that's the release of the CD. After that he said i'm kidding, but they didn't run that part of it.

Q- There is also the rumor that you are married already....

J- see even if i were to say no, people would say I bet you they are because of what i did before.

Q- would like to be married?

J- if he wants to.

Q- Would you like to have kids.

J- i would love to

Q- Would you adopt?

J- Sure. i think if it is god's plan for us it'll happen

Q- What does jermaine say about having kids?

J- he always says to me, see we had all of this downtime. We could have had a child!

Q- james debarge's family claims that you had a secret child by him. what do you say to that?

J- incorrect, the really painful thing about that is that they are bringing a real human being into it, my niece, and no one's thinking about her feelings.

Q- have you spoken to your niece about it?

J-She calls me about it and says aunty janet, its so stupid. they dont even have the math right. if they were to think about what i was doing in my life, there is no way i could have had a child. everyone would have seen that i was pregnant.

Q- how did you and jermaine meet?

J- on the RN tour. But he didn't woo me then. i was married. We became friends. he did the remix to STCML, which is ironic. he says to this day that he wasnt making a pss at me. We never went out on a date. it just happened.

Q- What have you learned from your 2 marriages?

j- i dont want drama! They say arguing is healthy. jermaine and I have seious discussions, but we never raise our voices.

Q- Why did you keep your marriage to rene secret for all those years?

J- i wanted something for myself

Q- Do you think keeping it a secret put pressure on the relationship?

J- i think it lasted as long as it did because of it. We were together for 13 years.

Q- have you spoken since the split?

J- No, we haven't. We have never run into each other. isnt that something.

Q- What was it that ended the relationship/

J- i cant't talk too much about that.

Q- it must be difficult to be the partner of someone so famous. Is it different with jermaine.

J- He started in the business at a young age 2. He been producing since he was 14. its what he know, this is normal for him.

Q- What do you and Jermaine bicker about?

j- he calls me spoiled! jermaine is an only child, so everything was done for him. whatever he takes off stays right where it is. My parents made us pick up after ourseleves. they'd make us clean the whole yard on Saturday, wash clothes, vacuum. That kept us grounded. i am always picking up after jermaine. You can always see when he's home because his stuff is everywhere. He'd never even made a bed before.


j- so he finally made his first bed! once in a while he will surprise me by making it. He'll be sitting on top of it. with this big smile on his face to make sure i noticed, and he's made it so sloppily. It's 2 cute!!

Q-what is your worst habit?

J- i don't have one (LOL) You should ask jermaine. he always tells me i'm 2 nice.

Q- What makes your relationship work.

J- its the love that we have. A lot of people jump into things after knowing each other for just 2 months.

Q- is that what your first marriage was?

J- No, that was different. I was young and stupid. i thought i could help him.

Q- Have you ever wanted to walk away from the spotlight.

J- i truly dont know that I can see myself doing outside of entertainment industry. Maybe i will feel differently when I have children.

Q- Would you have more plastic surgery?

J- i dont know, It is no secret that i reduced my nose when I was 16.

Q- What has been the best thing about coming from a big family.

j- Having brothers and sisters as a lot of fun. there were lonely moments, too when my brothers were on tour.

What does your spirituality mean to you?

J-i cant think of going throught life without believing in GOD. he's always there.

Q- how did it feel to turn 40 this year?

J- I have matured, but i dont feel any different.

Q- Where do you want to be in 10 years. it'd be nice to be real settled in, to have a family.

Q- are you keeping up your diet?

J-no. im supposed to eat every 3 hours. and that's gone down the tubes. But i still eat clen. i've been eating alot of strawberries.

Q- What has been your worst diet cheat?

j- No Bellini! i had one at my party at the Met Bar in london. You are not supposed to have Alcohol becuse it could be fattening.

Q-Did you ever have moments when you thought: I am never going to loose this Weight>

J- yes I plateaued for almost 4 weeks. when you get older it dosent come off as easily. i kept going and sure enough i finally broke through and it started falling off again.

Q- have you always had a positive body image?

J- No i've yo yoed. But everybody does that.

Q- have you ever had an Eating Disorder?

j- No