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Rueda de prensa de Tom Sneddon *Info sobre presentación de los cargos contra MJ AQUI*

nota escueta de Hora 25 (Carlos Llamas):

7 cargos de abusos contra otros 7 menores... ¿qué más se sabe por ahí?
lo realmente repugnate es que cuando acabó sellar los putos cargos la mujer esa, SONRIÓ para la CAMARA!!! :O:O:O:O:O

Se creen que esto es un circo...
7 cargos contra un menor por abusos, y dos por darle vino y pastis.

Bien, se entiende que es sólo un menor, ¿no?
Estoy intentando escuchar lo q dice este hombre, pero encima q es con real caca y no se escucha nunca lo q preguntan los periodistas..........Menos mal q está el c#pull# ese para repreguntarse la pregunta....

A alguien mas ha saltado la conexion??? A mi no me da paso, o sea me salta y no puedo verlo...

Madre me estoy quedando sin la exclusiva de la boca de este tipo....Me he quedado x el minuto 9 y nada...ya no he conseguido ver mas..

Michael Jackson enfrenta nueve cargos por abuso a menores

Fuente :Agencias
El cantante estadounidense fue acusado hoy formalmente de nueve causas en su contra, que lo podrían privar de libertas hasta por 24 años, si es considerado culpable.

LOS ÁNGELES.- Michael Jackson fue acusado hoy formalmente de nueve cargos de abuso de menores entre febrero y marzo de 2003, según informó Tom Sneddon, fiscal de Santa Bárbara, en California, donde reside el cantante.

El artista fue acusado de estos cargos un mes después de su detención y posterior puesta en libertad condicional, tras depositar una fianza de tres millones de dólares.

Jackson podría ser condenado a 24 años de prisión si es encontrado culpable de esas imputaciones en su contra.

Si es culpable del primero de los cargos, el rey del pop podría ser condenado a entre tres y ocho años de prisión. Por cada cargo adicional, sumaría otros dos años.
Bueno, en Hora 25 han leido una nota escuetísima, traducida al inglés precipitadamente, pero una nota que venía de una agencia internacional (sin no me equivoco yo también).

Creo que lo importante es determinar con certeza cuántos menores hay. Si es sólo uno, el que todos estamos pensando, creo que el Fiscal está montando un circo y le van a crecer los enanos. Supongo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que no se sostiene que en las dos investigaciones exhaustivas (la del 93 y esta), sólo se hayan encontrado dos casos, siendo ambos poco fiables a tenor de lo que va saliendo.

Repito, me gustaría que alguien confirmara que es un sólo niño, y que ese niño es el que todos tenemos en mente.
Para los que estéis un poco perdidos sobre el artículo 288(a) de la ley de California (cargos 1 a 7):

California Penal Code Section 288(a):
Any person who willfully and lewdly commits any lewd or lascivious act, including any of the acts constituting other crimes provided for in Part 1, upon or with the body, or any part or member thereof, of a child who is under the age of 14 years, with the intent of arousing, appealing to, or gratifying the lust, passions, or sexual desires of that person or the child, is guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for three, six, or eight years

Pop star Michael Jackson has been charged with nine counts of child molestation.
Mr Jackson, who denies any wrongdoing, was arrested last month following a highly publicised police raid on his Neverland Ranch in California.

The singer is accused of sexually abusing a 14-year old boy and if convicted faces up to 24 years in jail.

The singer has called the allegations a "big lie" and will appear in court on 16 January.

Earlier on Thursday, Mr Jackson won a second court order barring video tapes of him talking with lawyers as he flew to California last month to be arrested.

Some reports said the singer was going to travel to the UK from 20 December-6 January, although this was denied by his British spokeswoman.

The singer was arrested, cited and released after surrendering to police on 20 November.

He plans to return to his Neverland ranch in California on Saturday for the first time since police raided it during their investigation, his spokeswoman said.

Mr Jackson is heading back "to spend time with his family", she said.

A special District Attorney's (DA) information website has been set up to deal with media interest, and a public relations firm has also been hired to help deal with the number of inquiries.


A Jackson family lawyer attacked the hiring of the firm, saying "a district attorney is supposed to try the case in court, not in the press".

"It is an affront to common sense, if not professional ethics, for a DA to have a celebrity crisis management team, which is what this new PR firm styles itself as being," lawyer Brian Oxman said.

Mr Jackson's parents, Joe and Katherine, told a documentary shown on ABC in the US and ITV1 in the UK that their son was innocent and that prosecutors were trying to "humiliate" him.
Entonces el desgraciado de Sneddon no consiguio comprar mas testigos ni con su linea telefonica y sigue siendo solo Gavin?
Bueno, o mucho me equivoco o el 'tio' Tom ha sumado todos los cargos que ha podido, pero no ha mencionado el decisivo hecho de que todas las acusaciones se apoyan en un solo menor.

Repito, confirmar si Sneddon ha mencionado a algún otro menor.
Formal Charges Filed Against Jackson

Thursday, December 18, 2003

SANTA MARIA, Calif. — Child molestation charges were officially filed against pop superstar Michael Jackson (search) Thursday at Santa Barbara County Superior Court in Santa Maria, Calif.

Jackson was charged with nine counts of child molestation and could face up to 24 years in prison if convicted.

In addition to seven molestation counts, there are two counts of administering an intoxicating agent to assist in the commission of a felony -- child molestation, District Attorney Thomas Sneddon (search) announced Thursday after the filing.

The victim is identified as a "John Doe."

Fox News has also learned that the county court has returned Jackson’s passport — confiscated when he turned himself in Nov. 20 — and granted the performer permission to leave the country from Dec. 20 through Jan. 6. According to court documents, Jackson will be traveling to Great Britain.

Jackson has said the allegations against him are "predicated on a big lie," while his attorney Mark Geragos has said the accuser's family is seeking the superstar's money. Jackson has been free on $3 million bail since he turned himself.

Charges are usually filed around the time of an arrest, but Sneddon said last month he was delaying the filing against Jackson so the county could set up a Web site to release information to the myriad news organizations following the case. The site, designed for media access only, was launched Monday.

Sneddon has declined to comment on the charges. But former Santa Barbara County Sheriff Jim Thomas, who has spoken with Sneddon about the case, said the charges would allege that Jackson molested the boy several times over a period of more than a month.


Según entiendo yo... no es Gavin... :ein: