it started during the interview of witness lintmoot. the witness was stating the correct amount of propofol found in the stomach, but then later the wrong amount was referred to:
Empezó en el interrogatorio a la testigo Lintmoot (la toxicóloga). La testigo estaba indicando la cantidad correcta de propofol encontrada en el estómago, pero después hubo referencias a la cantidad equivocada
[#19 JAIME LINTEMOOT - LA co dept of coroner’s office.]
Gastric contents.
You analzied the propofol in gastric contents? Yes, that is correct.
Noticed that the autopsy report says that the stomach is not extended and takes 70 grams of dark fluid.
Did you analyise that for propofol ? Yes.
(Ans That’s not correct.)
It was
0.13 milligrams.
So, how do you make that determination. We weight ou t the total sample and then factor that into our calculations. (I don’t understand that at all.)
there was .13 of the 70 grams of propofol.
I don’t remember exactly what the contents looked like.
I was not the analysist who did the initial contents looked like. but they would have looked for pills, etc.
I’m just kinda wondering what that dark fluid looked like other than having
1.3 milligrams, and some of lidocaine, and we’ve got another 60 plus of either food or lidocaine.
notice how the witness says 0.13mg were found in the stomach, but flanagan later says 1.3mg were found. he was probably getting the wrong figure from exhibit 68 (s. below)
Fijaos cómo la testigo dice que se encontraron 0,13mg en el estómago, pero Flanagan después dice que se encontraron 1,3mg. Probablemente él estaba tomando las cantidades equivocadas de la "prueba" 68 ("exhibit"= trad. dicc Oxford: Documento u objeto que se exhibe en un juicio como prueba.)
Originally Posted by sophie
there was a wrong figure on an exhibit shown in court (exhibit 68). this is what caused all the confusion about the propofol stomach concentration. flanagan, walgren, ruffalo were all referring to the wrong figure shown on the exhibit.
Hubo una cifra equivocada en la prueba mostrada en la corte (exhibit 68). Esto es lo que causó toda la confusión sobre la concentración de propofol en el estómago. Flanagan, Walgren, Ruffalo, todos estuvieron refiriéndose a la cifra equivocada mostrada en la prueba.
Me alegro, mylove de que te hayas dado cuenta. Yo tampoco comprendo cómo pueden cometerse semejantes errores, que además beneficiaron a la defensa de lejos. Y en mi modesta opinión, tal vez pudo contribuir a que no se subieran los cargos allí en la misma preliminar; es que después de la casi admisión de ese experto a las conjeturas de la defensa, el fiscal no podía tampoco hacer mucho... (salvo se hubiera dado cuenta del error, pero él tb se refirió a la cifra equivocada...).
Cuánta impotencia!:llorando:
Un abrazo