Re: Michael Grabara Canción en Beneficio del Huranac Katrina
Michael Jackson writes song for hurricane relief
By Dan Whitcomb
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pop star Michael Jackson has written a song for the victims of Hurricane Katrina that he hopes to record with other top artists and release as a charity single, his spokeswoman said on Tuesday.
Jackson, who raised more than $60 million for African famine relief with a campaign built around his anthem "We Are the World," was moved by the images of Katrina's destruction that he saw on television, publicist Raymone Bain said.
"It pains me to watch the human suffering taking place in the Gulf region of my country," Jackson said in a written statement. "My heart and prayers go out to every individual who has had to endure the pain and suffering caused by this tragedy."
He added: "I will be reaching out to others within the music industry to join me in helping bring relief and hope to these resilient people who have lost everything."
Bain said Jackson had already composed the song, tentatively titled "From the Bottom of My Heart," and planned to record it within two weeks after enlisting other top performers.
"In the next 24 hours he will be personally reaching out to all of the artists to ask them to join him in this project," Bain said, adding that none of the participants could yet be identified.
Jackson, who wrote "We Are the World" with Lionel Ritchie in 1985 at the peak of his career, recruited more than three dozen rock and pop heavyweights including Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan and Stevie Wonder, for that charity single.
The self-styled "King of Pop" left his Neverland Valley Ranch in California for Bahrain after his acquittal on child molestation charges in June, but Bain said he would return to the United States to work on the new single.
She said "From the Bottom of My Heart"
would be recorded in a location convenient to the artists participating.
Jackson, who turned 47 last week, released one of the best-selling pop albums of all time in 1982, "Thriller."
Traigo esto aqui, y traduzco lo que he marcado en negrita, ya que es el motivo por lo que lo traigo, completando comentarios hechos anteriormente en el post:
Bain said Jackson had already composed the song, tentatively titled "From the Bottom of My Heart," and planned to record it within two weeks after enlisting other top performers.
Bain dijo que Jackson ya había compuesto la canción, con el posible título "From the Botton of My Heart", y se planea grabarla en las próximas 2 semanas, después de haber completado la lista de los cantantes importantes.
She said "From the Bottom of My Heart" would be recorded in a location convenient to the artists participating.
Ella dijo que "Fron the Botton of My Heart"
se grabaría en la localición conveniente para los artistas participantes.
(Personalmente creo que serán mayoritariamente artistas americanos los que Michael pida participar, por lo que seguramente se grabe en USA, NY, LA, Miami -este último más conveniente porque fueron los primeros que sufrieron el Katrina- o donde les venga mejor a los artistas...)